"believe in me..if you believe in anything, cause I wanna be someone who believes, yeaah.."
Lets, See. First Things First. My name is Diane. I am a daughter of two, sister of five. My dad's name is Tommy, Johnny Bravo is more like it.... *does hip swoosh* he's amazing. Everyone loves him. John, Gene, and Kim are my real siblings, as the other two are step siblings. I love them all the same though. I love the holidays. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy, as does Chad Kroeger from nickelback! lol. Not really, but I do like their music a bunch. I am a strong believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you're saved, you're always saved. No matter what sin you commit. However, everyone has their own beliefs, I won't push yours away. I've become a lot more open minded than I use to. I'm not against homosexuals, but I am not for them. They do what they do, I do what I do. A while back, I was very very closed minded about them. But as I've gotten older I've realized there's no reason to waste all your energy on being against something, when you could just deal with it and get over it. I'm a pretty nice gal I think. I'm real short, also have crazy emotions sometimes. But that's okay, because I'm growing and learning from these emotions. I've loved a few times, lost each time, and never got anyone back. I've hurt people in the past, I use to be a not so good person, but now...I'd say I'm a great person. I love everyone, I'm willing to get to know just about anybody. If your gonna message me with 'hey sweetie can i get yo numba?" DON'T. I think just about every female gets those kinda messages. They're quite annoying. I have a few close friends, Anthony, Jeff, Patricia is also becoming one of my close friends. :c) I love Tricia!! Also me and Alan are becoming better friends..and he's pretty cool too...along with Mr.Gary. lol. ;) Then I have my big sis: Sarah. I love her bunches!! She is my little sunshine! Well, this is the first time I've actually written something semi meaningful in the "about me" section. I hope whoever reads this has a wonderful day. Keep a smile on your face. If you smile at a stranger, they could be having an absolute horrible day, and If you smile at them and make them smile, that could be the start of their day getting better. Smiles are wonderful.