A work in progress...always. Change is good at any age. Sometimes I feel like a rare tapestry, finely woven and hung in a special place. Then on other occasions, I might be described as a fine wine; just sniff the aroma, a gentle touch to the palette, either way you never know the effects until long after it's gone.
What's the one major pre-occupation I treasure the most? It has to be the art of creativity; whether in poetry, photography, writing short stories and novels, designing websites, music, and any other vehicle that can be used to explore one's true sense of self. I find it very stimulating to my senses.
However, in all honesty, I do love a great challenge. And I'm always glad that I attempted the feat, even if the results were less than expected.
"To truly love another simply means that you must first forge a common bond between two unique individuals. For only then...will you experience and understand the true essence of love."~~Purple Wolf~~
Now's the time to enjoy the ride! Let's roll!