Cars, Trucks, modifying or building cars and trucks woodworking, video games, and above everything else, my greatest interest is my family
Just friends i Already found the perfect woman, or she found me either way i was lucky enough to have her take me as her husband
well this could be a long section so to make it short, i listen to everything and unlike when most people say that, i actually do listen to everything from rap to classical.
this is one of my favorite pastimes, i watch all sorts of movies, but the ones i relate the most with are one's that are crime drama, gang related, and epics.
I like to watch CSI all three of them (who doesn't?) and it seems that i have seen every episode of Reba imaginable- is this show still on cause it seems like the same 200 episodes running in a constant loop, that seems to be hardwired to my family's TV
All the people that have "broken the chain" so to speak and made it out of any situation into a more desirable life for themselves