Getting over some jacked up deployment in Iraq. What arelief!!!I'm as real as can be almost hitting my prime 30in a few weeks! How cool is that! I'm not your averagetypical woman, family is number 1 for me especially mybabies. And my close friends which are very few.Life hasbeen very challenging for me but what has hurt me only hasmade me STRONGER... What more can I say I've accomplishedalot more than some have in a lifetime. With the help ofmy family. I can actually say that I'm very happy with mylife. I've fought a few battles and have come up on top asthe WINNER! Just recently had surgery and are in remissionof cancer. I was lucky enough to not have too go thruChemo and have to loose my hair. I've been given a 3rdlife to LIVE.Anyways I'm here for friends, past friends, and ultimatelymy war buddies.
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