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Bella Vita

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

"href=" 2tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3gyMTkvbGtxbl8yMDA3Lz9hY3Rpb249dmlldyZjd XJyZW50PWtpZHMuanBn" target="_blank" ref=" uY29tL2FsYnVtcy9hNTgvYW5nZWxfcXQzNi8/YWN0aW9uPXZpZXcmY3VycmV udD1ibGFja2FuZHdoaXRlaHVnLmpwZw==" target="_blank".. src=" dwhitehug.jpg" border="0" alt="black and white 5" a href=" ana/?action=view&current=fashion.jpg" target="_blank" href=" V0LmNvbS9hbGJ1bXMvYTE0MC94YW5hYmVsN3gvP2FjdGlvbj12aWV3JmN1cn JlbnQ9ZmFzaGlvbi5qcGc=" target="_blank" href=" tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL3MyMi9TRUtDaWlTSEFXVFkvP2FjdGlvbj12aWV3Jm N1cnJlbnQ9SGF0ZS0xLmdpZg==" target="_blank" href=" tldC5jb20vYWxidW1zL2lpMTAyL3hraXJzdHlsb3Vpc2V4Lz9hY3Rpb249dm lldyZjdXJyZW50PWxvdmUuZ2lm" target="_blank" Zone src=" ro%20or%20Fashion%20or%20Vintage/retro-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" .... tures054.jpg I saw the love and I saw the lies. I saw the happiness and the pain in your eyes. You were feeling something strange and new. But I saw you run and hide to. This strange new feeling scared you so. That you didn’t know what to do. You turned your head and tried to make it go away. But the pain was back again every new day. The love that you feel will be with you always. It will fill you for the rest of your days. If you try and hide it, it will hurt even more. You need to try and open the door. You may be scared because this is new. Never let the fear overcome you. She looks at her world, the tears fill her eyes. She thinks she should be happy, yet still she cries. The emptiness fills her and that she can’t hide. She tries to bury the longing down deep inside. She tries to get along through another long day. Yet she wonders, there just has to be another way. Is this all that life was supposed to be. She knows there is much more that she truly needs. Yet she remains silent until the very end. The broken dreams she just can’t seem to mend. The sun is setting, it’s getting so very late. She prays to God, "Please don’t let the love turn to hate." href=" 9t" target="_blank"

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