Sue profile picture


All that we are is the result of our thoughts; we are founded on our thoughts, we are made up of our

About Me

What to say?......I'm the youngest of five (mixed clan)... only girl.... so I got picked on ALOT growing up! Makes you tough I guess : ) I grew up (and am currently living) in Thomaston, CT.... whatcha gonna do??... didn't have a choice : ) I try to get around.... traveling that is. and I've lived in a few places (North Wales, Anguilla, Ireland).... all fantastic in their own way. I'd like to do more.... but I need to lay low for a little bit till I get some cash again : ) Like to laugh.... that's key in life.... keeps you alive. I enjoy cooking.... (I'm a chef), so yes, food is good.

My Interests

Recently, I've been pretty boring... but.... Playing music (can't do anything well). Reading...... fuckin expands the mind! I work alot.... that's really not that fun... but try to make it as interesting as possible : ) Learning something new is always cool. Anything really, even if it is lame. I really just enjoy chillin, anywhere... anytime... just have some fun..... why not?!

I'd like to meet:

People that are real. You are who you are, don't hide it or try to be something you're not.


I'm very eclectic. I like everything from reggae and dance hall to early jazz, to hard house, to rock and rap of all varieties,


Always up for a good comedy! I also love bloody action movies, epics, kung fu flicks, and (yeah!... I fuckin said it!) musicals. Resivour dogs, boondock saints, scarface, Nightmare before christmas, rocky horror, and numerous others.


Family guy, South Park..... honestly, I'm a TV whore... I'll watch anything that on!


The Dark Tower series.... highly recomendable!!! I think anything from Steven King is a fairly good read (maybe not educational.... but exciting). Poe's poems.... who can deny them?


Super Man!..... he's got balls of steel : )