Member Since: 10/02/2005
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!-Start Div Overlay Content Block-!
myspace code tutorials by Eileen
!-Close 3 layers of cell/row/table. This puts our Div ONE table deep.
!----PUT TOP BANNER CODE HERE----!!----END TOP BANNER CODE--!!-Create and size our div. We will never close this div. It will close when the containing table closes-! !!! MODIFY width to the SAME width as your core image !!! !----START CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----!
!----END CUSTOM CONTENT BLOCK 1----!!-Open 3 layers of table/row/cell-!
!-IF do NOT want any content from my Right side, I can use i instead of L1-!
!-The below class i hides the remainder of the general table-!
Influences: !-Start Custom Code in Sounds Like-!:!-START code for custom text section-!:
Primus Luta is the continuance of the legacy of a sound from the middle passage, through migration all the way up to modernization. Harbinger of The AvantUrb which is to music what post-structuralism is to the written word, Primus Luta dissects the essence of sound and molds it into works reflective of the human condition. He is the digital analog. The old new. The now infinite. The first struggle and the first struggle is creation.
Heads is the duel between humanity and technology played out as a love affair for your ears. Their essences converge in a sound which blurs their lines of separation, birthing what will best be understood in the context of what follows it. Heads is the future inches within your grasp. Before there, here: THE OPTIMUS PRIMER
!CLOSE Text Div!: