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'Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like you do when no

About Me

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Originally I'm from Sebastopol Ca it used to be a cute little town but it’s grown and its not how I remember it being, I'm 23 years old and I graduated with the class of 2001 from Analy High School. In 2004 I moved to Idaho I know what you're thinking all there is, is potatoes but really it's a beautiful state and I love it here don't get me wrong I miss the ocean and the city and all my friends and family. But I've started a really good life up here on June 24th of 2006 I married my soul mate the kindest sweetest man. I'm not sure how I got so lucky, anyhow now were looking to the future

What Your Soul Really Looks Like
You are quite expressive and thoughtful. You see the world in a way that others are blind to.
You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.
You believe that people see you as larger than life and important. While this is true, they also think you're a bit full of yourself.
Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.
For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust. Inside the Room of Your Soul
What Magen Elizabeth McMinimy Means
You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated.
You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want.
You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way!
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection.
You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life.
You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone.
Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs.
You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone.
You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together.
At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together.
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people.
You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts.
You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals.
You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily.
Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long.
You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience.
You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along.
But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge.
You are full of energy. You are spirited and boisterous.
You are bold and daring. You are willing to do some pretty outrageous things.
Your high energy sometimes gets you in trouble. You can have a pretty bad temper at times.
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life.
You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home.
You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out.
Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia.
Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person.
You are very open. You communicate well, and you connect with other people easily.
You are a naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from your mind.
A true chameleon, you are many things at different points in your life. You are very adaptable.
You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in.
You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising.
What's Your Name's Hidden Meaning?

My Interests

You Belong in Rome
You're a big city soul with a small town heart
Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome
Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand
And gorgeous Italian people - could life get any better? What City Do You Belong In?
You Are Artemis!
Brave, and a natural born leader.
You're willing to fight for what you believe in...
And willing to make tough decisions.
Don't forget - the people around you have ideas too! What Goddess Are You?
Build your own Blingee

I love music and art and being outside there’s something relaxing about nature

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I'd like to meet:

I'd like to catch up with all the people I haven't seen in forever, all the friends I left behind in Cali, and meet some new people here
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I'm still a Country girl that hasn't changed though that's not all I listen to. I also like rock, pop, and I'm a sucker for 60's 70's & 80's love songs


I like chick flicks, suspense, horror and comedy, I love fantasy movies I'm a big fan of the lord of the ring and I like Harry Potter too ad lets not forget Disney gotta love em


So Colby and I have really gotten into Bones, House,and CSI also Sunday nights we always catch the Simpsons, family guy- (love that, so glad they brought it back) and American dad. but Me I love What not to wear, say yes to the dress, and platinum weddingsohh ya you know how most people hate Mondays I love them Monday Night Raw baby I've become a huge wrestling fan thanks to my hubby
MySpace Codes & MySpace Backgrounds


I love Dan Brown he's the author of the Davinci Code great book he also wrote Angels & Demons another stellar book I like Fantasy and mystery's those seem to be the only kind of books that keep my attention right now I'm reading Angels & Demons for the 5th time sad I know but I love it


well truth be told for me a real hero is someone who makes life worth living so I have many heros
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Diamonds are some girls best friends

In 1983 (the year you were born)
Ronald Reagan is president of the US
Sally Ride becomes the first American woman to travel in space
Marines are killed when a TNT laden suicide terrorists blows up Marine headquarters at Beirut International Airport
US Marines and Rangers invade the island of Grenada and evacuate hundreds of US citizens
The Soviets shoot down Korean Airlines flight 007
The Internet Domain Name System was invented by Paul Mockapetris
Ronald Wilson Reagan signs a bill creating Martin Luther King Day
Baltimore Orioles win the World Series
Washington Redskins win Superbowl XVII
New York Islanders win the Stanley Cup
Return of the Jedi is the top grossing film
"Every Breath You Take" by The Police spends the most time at the top of US charts
The A-Team and Webster premiere What Happened the Year You Were Born?