Conservative profile picture


Friends Don't Let Friends Vote Democrat.

About Me

The Conservative Teens of America (C.T.A.) was founded on June 27th 2006.
This organization has been founded for several reasons:
Reason 1. - Lack of morals and good values in today's society.
Reason 2. - More and more Republicans losing their values because they don't have good conservative friends to back up their political and social stances.
Reason 3. - More and more teenage liberals that will stop at nothing to attack the morals and values of conservatives world wide.
Reason 4. - We thought it would be fun!
Presenting Our Founders:
President - Dan Bartolo
Vice President - Dave(Ted) Neugent
Attorney General - Ashley Alexander
Secretary of State - David Hartford
Recruiting Officer - Adam Tibble
At Conference On National Affairs we conservatives realized just how outnumbered and misrepresented we honestly are. This is why we feel the CTA organization is so important. With something like the CTA to tie and unite us, our collective political backing and strength may bring about positive changes in our current surroundings.
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My Interests

Vocabulary Term of The Month -


A philosophy that emphasizes the uniqueness and isolation of the individual experience in a hostile or indifferent universe, regards human existence as unexplainable, ...and stresses freedom of choice and responsibility for the consequences of one's own actions...

I'd like to meet:

As founders we would thoroughly enjoy meeting any and all individuals, of all political and social orientations.

All of our founders may be contacted at following addresses for more information or interaction. Be sure to include CTA in the subject line of your emails so you may be indentified from spammers.

Mr. Bartolo at: [email protected]
Mr. Neugent at: [email protected]
Ms. Alexander at: [email protected]
Mr. Hartford at: [email protected]
Mr. Tibble at: [email protected]




Authors or speakers including but not limited to: Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Caulter, Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage.


Lady Liberty and Father Freedom.