Nicole [hot-to the touch] profile picture

Nicole [hot-to the touch]

Emma is my life. And im not gonna let anything make me unhappy!( at least try) :)

About Me

Nicole, I love my baby girl emma shes four months old. Im basically raising her by myself and trying to provide for her on my own. so things are a bit tough and stressful right now. I graduated early, im going to college sept,4th. And ill be gone for two years. After that i dont know where im going to be living or starting my new chapter in my life at so if you really want to keep intouch next year get my number cause i wont be able to afford the internet to get on here all the time. In a month i will be living on my own, and working proably two jobs just to support me and my baby girl. Ugh yes i am single. (yeah i know, your all like well wheres the babys daddy in this picture- to tell you the truth He lives in the area but hes to busy with friends-yeah i know its not a good enough excuse what-so-ever,but you cant force someone to do something if they dont want to. So whatever) Im just living my life day by day trying to give my baby the best of the best and thats all im focused on. No im not as happy as i use to be because it seems like everything is just going wrong right about now. But oh well i just have to get over it i guess. Ummm... If you want to chat or know about me then i guess add me as a friend or something. But i know most people will be like Oh she has a baby.... i dont want to deal with that baggage well if thats the way you people think then FUCK YOU! You judge to much and your missing out on an awesome person that cares alot about others. So yeah i guess thats me.