The project Unconquered town was initiated by Domachi Association for Creative Development in January 2006. The whole project is primary aiming at initiating active public and local authorities approach on non-use urban space potentials of the town Karlovac and developing local independent cultural scene by using new media and technology. The project accent on cooperation with similar initiatives, platforms and individuals who successfully exist nationally and internationally, NGOs and initiatives within the area of culture.
In the beginning of 2006 there has been research in the town centre and has been located several objects with potential for cultural, educational and social use. Some of collected photo/video documentation has been presented during the project activities in 2006, through projections and photo and video exhibition as well as on the web. Good response of public and positive critics showed necessity of project continuation in year 2008. Main program, exhibitions, movie projections, shows, performances, concerts, workshops and resident programs will take place in old centre of Karlovac, Croatia.
Call for participation at festival/exhibition
Unconquered town consist video projections/presentations and exhibitions which will take place the last week in august 2009, in Karlovac/Croatia
Art forms: short films (feature films, documentary films, animated, experimental…not longer then 10 minutes) video clips, photos, texts, drafts, newspaper clips, graffiti, comic strips, web design…. Following the subject on unused or ruinous public urban spaces and with the possibility to be used and life in urban area in general.
Film/video you can send at DVD, SONY miniDV tape in .avi, .mov or DVD format, or by mail.
Any author can send limitless art forms.
Please send your forms to the following address, or bring personally to:
Udruga Domaci, Centar za mlade Na Gazi, Struga 1, 47000 Karlovac, Croatia
Attention to "Nepokoreni grad"
Deadline may 30th 2009.
Please attach to your art forms the following:
_heading ;
_the year of production;
_if film, state: running time /genre/format;
_text about the work;
_name of the author (co- author, director, music, screenplay, camera/ etc_contact address (Street, city, country) telelphone, e-mail; URL
For any further information, please contact [email protected]
Or ++ 385 47 600 996
poziv za sudjelovanje na festivalu/izlozbi
Nepokoreni grad festival cine projekcije filmova/izlozba i zvucne intervencije u prostoru koje ce se odrzati zadnji vikend u 8-om mjesecu 2009.
•vrste radova: filmovi (igrani/dokumentarni/animirani/eksperimentalni], fotke, tekstovi, skice, nacrti, kolazi, isjecci iz novina, stripovi, graffiti, web design) na temu neiskoristenih/rusevnih, a iskoristivih/gradskih prostora kao i zivota u urbanoj sredini
•filmove slati na DVD-u , SONY miniDV obliku u .avi ,.mov formatu, DVD formatu ili mailom
•prijavljujete li vise filmskih/video radova ostvarenja molimo da budu na jednom nosacu zapisa
•svaki autor moze prijaviti neogranicen broj radova
•vase radove saljite na adresu ili osobno na: Udruga Domaci, Centar za mlade Na Gazi, Struga 1, 47000 Karlovac, s naznakom "Nepokoreni grad" zakljucno do 30.05.2009.
•uz Vase radove posaljite:
_naslov rada;
_godina proizvodnje;
_u koliko se radi o fimu naznaciti:
trajanje/zanr/format (miniDV, DVD);
_opis rada (10-ak rijeci);
_ime autora (koautora/redatelja/glazba/scenario/kamera/etc.);
_kontakt: adresa (ulica, grad, zemlja); telefon; e-mail; URL
Sve informacije na [email protected] ili telefon 047 600 996. tel. 047 600996
fax. 047 416995
[email protected]