' Dan/elle . <3 profile picture

' Dan/elle . &lt;3

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About Me

Hey y'all im Dan I Love Adam so much hes One in a million . .Gettin glammed up and shakin my Ass! * . . Vodka Lemon & Lime is my new usual a love it, a like to spend my £££ as soon as i get it, terrible at makin it last the month haha! I love my mam shes klass
D Delicious
A Awkward
N Naughty
I Innocent
E Emotional
L Loud
L Lucky
E Enjoyable
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Paris Hilton
You're stuck up and selfish. You're a true blonde!! You wear what's in, but only if it shows half your body... in other words.. YOU'RE HOTT!

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Robbie Williams face2face i wud die e is unrealll! I 3 himmm! Jonny Depp obv Hes sooo sexy! Jesse Metcalf mmmmm! Erm gurlies ad liek to meet NIkki obvvvv! Shes klass

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