Tahottie profile picture


Queriendo encontrar eso perfecciona a hombre, eso la hará se siente como ella es la mujer más afor

About Me

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..Well, the name is Tahahni, and it's Hawaiian for "Sweetheart" I'm a sophomore at the University of SC, GO COCKS!!...I love it here, there is lots of eye candy!! :)...Well, here's a little about me to peek your curiosity!!...I look tropical and exotic about 5'8 with long brown hair though it looks black. I love meeting new people, I am extremely easy to get along with, I have an outgoing personality, I may seem shy at first, but I must warn you though that once you get to know me you will want me to shutup because I talk way too much. :) I love flirting, I've been called a tease before but I beg to differ...I won't bite that is unless you want me too!! hehe :)...I'm looking for the perfect guy the one that will sweep me off my feet, but alas I haven't found him yet! But ultimately I would like to find out what it feels like to be in love, I've heard the feeling is undescricable, and I can't wait to experience it!!!The guy that I'm looking for has to have the same qualities as my TWIN BRO, I love him so much, he's my #1!!CodeMyLayout.com- Get your own Myspace Contact Tables here!

My Interests

I'm passionate about a lot of things. But I love singing, dancing (not the best dancer but I've had no complaints so far;)...WORKING...I'm trying to get my 34-24-34 body back, almost there!!!..I love reading, lately I've been into a lot of John Grisham novels, and the novel I'm reading now is Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged", I love her Philisophy on "Individualism vs. Collectivivsm"...If you haven't read "Fountainhead" read it ASAP!! I love spending time with my new nephew, right now he's the LOVE OF MY LIFE!! :) I love hanging out with friend especially my HOTT MAMASITAS!!! I try to be spontaneous, so I'm willing to try anything once!! Which Victoria's Secret Model are you?
You are Adriana Lima! Your Brazilian, you are very colorful, you always want to have a good time, and you are very down to earth.
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I'd like to meet:

Ultimately, I would love to meet a great guy that completes me, and makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world!!...I'm not too picky when it comes to guys, but a tall girl wants a tall guy, looks are somewhat important, although personlity is far more important to me...I tend to like guys with dark hair, the athletic type...someone with a great sense of humor is at the top of my list!!But I would also like to meet some new friends, I'm also eager to meet new people, so feel free to write me anytime or IM me at [email protected]


I love all music, I'm very versatile..I've always been a HUGE Maroon 5 fan!!...I LOVE Adam Levine, he's the epitome of sexy!!...I love music I can sing to, lately I've been listening to a lot of R&B thanks to Tiffy...But I love "The Fray", "Postal Service", "Maroon 5", "Snow Patrol", "Eisley", "James Blunt" and so much more


I love MOVIES!!...I'm a hopeless romantic so ultimately my favorite move is currently "The Notebook" followed by a close second of "Wedding Crashers."...I love "Splendor in the Grass, "Endless Love", "Memoirs of Geshia"...There's so many to list, but pretty much any comedy, drama, action, romance.


I'm a reality show FANATIC...any reality show you name it, I watch it, but currently I love MTV's Fresh Meat "Kenny Santucci is the epitome of sexy"...I love Flavor of Love, show is hilarous, gosh there's so many shoes


I love John Grisham, Ayn Rand and Stephen King. I love to read so there's just too many books to list!! The Reason Add a video to your site FREE Myspace Music Video Code


I love my TWIN BRO with all my heart, he's absolute amazing, the perfect brother, he's always there for me, and he's always looks out for me!!..I LOVE YOU SHIMON!!

My Blog

The next couple of weeks

Okay, so Spring Break is right around the corner, I'm uberexcited, I'll be going to "Chucktown" Saturday night with friends and will be staying until Tuesday morning, we're leaving around 6, will be b...
Posted by Tahottie on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 09:30:00 PST

Everything's Perfect!

So, what's new?.....Basically since I've "moved on" from the guy that I used to like, a lot more guys have been approaching me...I still think about "him", wishing that he would've felt the same way I...
Posted by Tahottie on Thu, 23 Feb 2006 10:36:00 PST

"False Hope"

Hey Guys, I wrote this today in English class, our assignment was to write an open-ended poem about any topic that we wanted to write about, this is what came to mind so I decided to write it, I know...
Posted by Tahottie on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 07:36:00 PST

Moving On

I am moving on. You know I was completely blinded by someone for awhile. Now I have had a moment of epiphany. It is time for me to get on with my life, find a guy who wants me just...
Posted by Tahottie on Sun, 19 Feb 2006 08:42:00 PST


This chica is determined, in every sense of the word lol...so today was a good day, it wasn't "great" but nonetheless it was good...I went to the Thomson Health Center today lol..and I got some condom...
Posted by Tahottie on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 09:32:00 PST

Valentine's Day

I'm going to try to keep this blog very brief although it probably won't turn out that way lol.....so the ball is in his court so to speak lol...if he doesn't call me, then it'll be ok...I've been rej...
Posted by Tahottie on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 08:40:00 PST

"Blue Martini"

So here's my Saturday in a nutshell!! :).....So I woke up today around 11ish...lol....kinda early for me on the weekend....we watched "House of Flying Daggers" last night, and it was one of the best m...
Posted by Tahottie on Sun, 12 Feb 2006 10:39:00 PST

Would've been my first "date"

So, I definitely got asked out tonight, and I turned him down, because I don't want to lead him on....suppose when I talk to the "guy" Monday and he gives me a good response, and we start dating....
Posted by Tahottie on Sat, 11 Feb 2006 06:30:00 PST


Ok, so Tahahni is finally going to get some balls...and talk to him again lol...I'm going to be as blunt as possible, telling him how I feel....I'm nervous as hell though...not going to lie...if I get...
Posted by Tahottie on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 11:19:00 PST


I know that I specifically stated that I wouldn't write another blog until Friday but I simply couldn't resist, these blogs help me a lot...even though they always seem to be about the same person lol...
Posted by Tahottie on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 07:39:00 PST