Lyly from Normandy profile picture

Lyly from Normandy

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hello les gens! My name's Lydiane, I'm french, I live in a box (= my appartment...) in Normandy (the most beautiful part of France according to me...), I'm the nicest girl in the world (I swear!) and very humble...

My Interests

Here are some of my "work of arts":

Normandy series:

Laugh, Art- drawing, photoshoping, creating t-shirts - Music - guitar, gigs - Cinema, Dreaming, Astrology, Mysterious things, Green countries (I actually fell in love with Scotland) and Indian food*

I'd like to meet:

People who have the same interests as me and who would be able to understand my bad english!!


Here are my favorite bands:

Radiohead, Adam Green, the Strokes, Jeff Buckley, Nirvana, Ben Kweller, Chokebore, BRMC, the Dandy Warhols, Dirty Pretty Things, the Libertines, Artic Monkeys, The Fratellis, Interpol, Blur, Ash, Beck, Pulp / Jarvis Cocker, Kill the young, Editors, Arcade Fire, The white stripes, The Raconteurs, Kula shaker, Supergrass, Muse, Gomez, Divine Comedy, Rufus wainwright, Franz Ferdinand, Girls in Hawaï, Mud Flow, Venus, Ghinzu (Belgium rocks!) Nina Simone, the Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop, David Bowie, the kinks, Joy Division, Lou Reed, the beatlesDionysos, M, Gérald Genty, Cali, Jean-Louis Murat, Frank Monnet, Gainsbourg, Dutronc, Mickey 3D, Brel, Katerine, Thomas Fersen, la Grande Sophie, Renan Luce

good bands on myspace and lot of others...


my favourite actors are:


I like interior design, cultural, social and musical shows and I hate television news.


et tous les livres de Rebecca Dautremer

If you do care for some bineuronal blond girl philosophy (thanks mister Sillitoe) : "Keep running as far as you can, follow your way, don't let them dead-alives turn it away cause creativity should rule the world instead of fear and lies...


Talented people, I mean people who can express themselves in very different ways. If I would have been a talented man I would be Adam Green, Paul Banks, Peter Hayes or any of the genius that play in my favorite bands.

My Blog


En général, lorsqu'on sort d'un concert avec l'impression qu'il n'a duré que 5 minuscules petites minutes alors qu'il a en fait duré deux bonnes heures c'est plutôt bon signe... En effet, ce concert f...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 03:36:00 PST

Papillonnage de pluie

mais non! finalement la pluie a décidé de nous épargner*Voilà donc ma petite review des "papillons de nuit" petit festival lost in the middle of la campagne manchote.Le site d'abord: un vrai champs ma...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 03:43:00 PST

été 67 / Kill the Young - exo7 - 060508

Review synthétisée:été 67 une bonne surprize made in belgium (ils sont forts c'est belges!), des liégeois sans chantilly ni chocolat mais avec ce qu'il faut de talent...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Sat, 10 May 2008 09:10:00 PST

Cause de ma rébellion...

Voilà la lettre que j'ai adressé à notre cher ministre du Travail, j'ai nommé Xavier Bertrand :"Objet: Dénonciation de la complémentaire santé obligatoire des entreprises d'architecture.Monsieur le Mi...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Sat, 03 May 2008 07:32:00 PST

Un peu de lol dans ce monde de brutes...

lionel ..Merki la farfadingue*...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Fri, 02 May 2008 11:34:00 PST

Avis à la population des agences d’architecture!

"Non à la mutue lle oblig atoir e pour les salar iés des agenc es d' archi tectu re" par Alain Dougu et, archi tecte (et ses salar iés) Comme tous les archi tecte s franç ais emplo yeurs , nous ...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 08:24:00 PST

What a great idea...

... they had to "mate"really, you should get this album, it's simply excellent*** ...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 08:56:00 PST

J’ai trouvé çà excellent ***

et comme je suis pô zégoïste et que de gentils gens ont mis çà sur myspace, voilà la video de l'excellente reprise de "La vie ne vaut rien" par Deportivo & Tarmac hier à Taratata (je vous rassure,...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:43:00 PST

Programmation Rock dans tous ses états 2008

Vendredi 27 juin:Amadou & Mariam, John Butler trio, Rodrigo y Gabriela, Birdy Nam Nam, Moriarty, Caravan Palace, Melt-Banana, Patrick Watson, 65 days of static, James Deano, TAHITI 80, the Elektrocuti...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 02:30:00 PST

Nostalgia of the week...

Let me share my blurrish adolescent nostalgia of the week with that dear great video of one of the greatest and missed band of the century***Nostalgie ce week-end en repensant à cet excellent groupe (...
Posted by Lyly from Normandy on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 07:38:00 PST