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From far beyond the veil of sleep some ancient voice does seem to whisper my forgotten name weakly, yet solemnly.
From far beyond the veil of sleep some tune, ne'er before heard, is trav'lling on a fragile breath, to shake my frozen world.
Sehnsucht nacht dem Tode
Hinunter in der Erde SchoB
Weg aus des Lichtes Reichen
Der Schmerzen Wut und wilder StoB
Ist froher Abfahrt Zeichen
Wir kommen in dem engen Kahn
Geschwind am Himmelsufer an.
Gelobt sei uns die ew'ge Nacht,
Wohl hat der Tag uns warm gemacht,
Und welk der lange Kummer.
NOVALIS - Hymnen an die Nacht -
Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood.. clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather..The multitudinous seas in incarnadine, Making the green one red.
***Over I pilgrim Where every pain Zest only of pleasure Shall one day remain. Yet a few moments Then free am I, And intoxicated In Love's lap lie. Life everlasting Lifts, wave-like, at me: I gaze from its summit Down after thee. Oh Sun, thou must vanish Yon yon hillock beneath; A shadow will bring thee Thy cooling wreath. Oh draw at my heart, love, Draw till I'm gone, That, fallen asleep, I Still may love on. I feel the flow of Death's youth-giving flood; To balsam and æther, it Changes my blood! I live all the daytime In faith and in might: And in holy rapture I die every night.***
There is someone whom we do not know inside all of us, reckoning us through our dreams and telling how different he sees us than we see ourselves
“To talk well and eloquently is a very great art, but that an equally great one is to know the right moment to stop.â€
You scored as Nietzsche.
You are most like Nietzsche.
Intellectually strong
without a great deal of compassion,
Nietzsche thought he was above it all.
Ayn Rand
What Philosopher are you?
That a man can take pleasure in marching in fours to the strains of a band is enough to make me despise him.
He has only been given his big brain by mistake;
unprotected spinal marrow was all he needed...
This plague-spot of ciivilization ought to be abolished with all possible speed...
Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism -
how passionately I hate them!
How vile and despicable seems war to me!
I would rather be hacked in pieces than take part in sucn an abominable business.
Albert Einstein
In order to conquer the future: And destroy it
I go back - once more -
Into the abyss of my nothing
You know, the dead has the virtue of looking like eachother...
      &n bsp
      &n bsp 
      &n bspFear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind
      &n bsp      &am p;nbsp             &n bsp      H.P .Lovecraft
      &n bsp
This guy is the one whom I adore.. He is the immortal part of my heart
~~***I LOVE YOU!!***~~
A: I am not one of those who think with an inky pen in their hand,
much less one of those who in front of an open inkwell abandon themselves to their passions while they sit in a chair and stare at the paper.I am annoyed by and ashamed of my writing;writing is for me a pressing and embarrasing need, and to speak of it even in a parable disgusts me.
B: But why, then, do you write?
A: Well, my friend, to be quite frank:so far, I have not discovered any other way of getting rid of my thoughts.
B: And why do you want to get rid of them?
A: Why I want to? Do I want to? I must...
Faust [alone].
How strange a man's not quitted of all hope,
Who on and on to shallow stuff adheres,
Whose greedy hands for hidden treasure grope,
And who is glad when any worm appears!
E There are some qualities
-- some incorporate things,
That have a double life, which thus is made
A type of that twin entity which springs
From matter and light,
envinced in solid and shade.
There is a two-fold Silence -- sea and shore --
Body and soul.
One dwells in lonely places,
Newly with grass o'ergrown; some solemn graces,
Some human memories and tearful lore,
Render him terrorless: his name's "No More."
He is the corporate Silence: dread him not!
No power hath he of evil in himself;
But should some urgent fate (untimely lot!)
Bring thee to meet his shadow (nameless elf,
hat haunteth the lone regions
where hath trod
No foot of man.)
commend thyself to God!
  And those men who are inventors and interpreters between nature and man, as compared with boasters and declaimers of the works of others, must be regarded and not otherwise esteemed than as the object in front of a mirror, when compared with its image seen in the mirror. For the first is something in itself, and the other nothingness - folks little indebted to nature since it is only by chance that they wear the human form and without it i might class them with the herd of beasts.
--Leonardo Da Vinci--