Guitar playing(stroking) being witty starting stupid holidays like kinky wensday
Paul Mcartney
Brian May
Billy Connoly
The Rolling stones
Flea (from RHCP)
jesuses drinking buddy
fun and interesting people
adopt your own virtual pet!
ROCK ANY TIME ANY DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rap has it's moments but yea rock in all forms.
Anything but stupid American moviesRECOMENDED VIEWING!!! fight club sin city we were soldiers forest gump iam sam city of god(very good movie must see) eg
See films
historical mainly nerdy books about famous dead people. plus Steven King Clive Cussler you know that sort of political thriller genre. Dan Brown is a tosser.
My friend Angie, Tahla (because you listen to all my petty crap) and steph (we all know you'll find that black girl one day). also:Paul Mcartney Brian May Bono Billy Connoly The Rolling stones jesus Flea (from RHCP) jesuses drinking buddy fun and interesting people ohh and josh because he said if i didn't say he was my hero he would hit me