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About Me

Jennifer wrestled her friend playfully to the ground infront of the snowcone stand and began licking at the girls eyeballs, as if they were sugar cubes. Their bodies convulsed and flailed with an almost seizure like intensity. At times their pale limbs seeming to shift back and forth from one torso to the other. A crowd gathered almost immediately to watch these two girls tie and untie their bodies like a pair of pit-vipers. They were confused, or concerned, or shocked, or aroused, or all of the above. But no-one dared interfere with the performance. Jennifer's long ashen hair hung down concealing the girls face like a curtain around a hospital bed. No one had any idea that the girls eyes were revolving under her ruby tongue. "This is disgusting, it's pornography" exclaimed a pasty slut white woman in a fur coat, vanilla ice-cream smeared across her double chin like a money shot. Counting a balding professor type in his mid-forties, his left hand stuffed crassly down the front of his pants "No, no, no. This is beautiful, this is art."
"> pg

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

david lynch,cronenberg,hp lovecraft,tom savini,george romero,hunter s thompson,jr hayes,Scott Hull,stephen king,timothy leary,Clive Barker,dimebag R.I.P,salvador dali,naoto hattori,pink floyd,lucio fulci,robert englund,doug bradley,quentin tarrantino,tony jaa,the cryptkeeper,matt stone and trey parker,mike judge,christopher walken,pacino,de niro,pesci,samuel l jackson, cheech and chong,greg nicotero,dane cook,chapelle ,joe camel,hendrix,morrison,george jung,adult swin crew

My Blog


My knuckles are bleeding on your front door and these flowers are wilting in the rain. They were for you and now they are for no one. They are irrelevant as mercenaries in times of peace. They are...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 14:14:00 GMT

Judas Goat

A Judas-goat is an older animal at a slaughter-house trained to lead the other animals to slaughter. In exchange, the animal is taken care of almost like a family pet until they are no longer of u...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 02:20:00 GMT


GIVE UPHouston ''street'' artist ingivinguplook in my picsthat is allfacedown
Posted by on Fri, 03 Oct 2008 03:26:00 GMT

Like a school girl

Sooo last night i got to hang and smoke out a house full of my idols,thanks to my good buddy alex in ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK,check them out,anyways.Psyopus,War from a Harlots Mouth,and Left to Vanish ...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 21:45:00 GMT

if ur fuckin awesome

And i know u r,then u will take the time to listen to the songs that r in my player(The Whole Thing:).i guarantee ur life will improve for the better,pinky promise?and also visit my top bands on my fr...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 00:51:00 GMT


Soooo i caught someone breaking into my apartment early in the morning,and i caught him at my back sliding door coming in,Where I promptly yelled "HEY MOTHERFUCKER" and the pussy took off,i ran and gr...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 16:18:00 GMT