andyandaidenzmum profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me


Myspace Layouts at / British Heart

Born in England. Moved to U.S. when I was 10 and lived in L.A., Chino Hills, Orange County, Las Vegas, San Diego, and now we have found our "forever home" in Fort Collins, Colorado. I am happily married to Richard and we have two beautiful boys named Andrew, 5 and Aiden 4. I am starting up a new business venture as a Pampered Chef Kitchen Consultant, so if you want to have a cooking party, call me up!

My Interests

Myspace Graphics

I'd like to meet:

I would just like to be with all of my family in one place. Everyone from England, all of our friends and family scattered all over the globe. I hope to meet up with all of my friends that have a space and see what they are up to today!

MySpace Layouts


Create Your Own!
Free Glitter Graphics


Selena, Princess Bride, Saw, The Jungle Book, Blood Diamond


Paranormal State, The Hills, Dancing With the Stars, Idol, Lost, Most Haunted, Grey's.


My Naughty Little Sister...a childrens' book, not adult content!! Where The Wild Things Are...Dr. Seuss....can you tell I don't read much for myself?!


Myspace Graphics