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Dr. Jeffrey Geiger

I am here for Networking

About Me

First let me say how sorry I am for you people. What with the homeless and the stuff happening in Bosnia and even with the patients I see every day, I somehow lost sight of the true victims in society, which happen to be you. Starting off with the unfortunate Dr. Nyland. Yale-bred silver-spoon stuffed deep into his esophagus, he now has to treat sick people while the people here aren't nice to him. I should say the senior surgeons aren't nice, the nurses seem to be extremely supportive.
This is a hospital. This is not a company that likes to give points for treating the personnel well. This is by necessity a cruel place. We bust your ass to make you a better doctor, and you know what, you might day be the best doctor. It doesn't change anything. You don't believe that-- (pointing to Dr. Thurmond)--you ask him. You wanna be treated nice, you go work at Walmart.
As cruel as this institution is, marriage is a much tougher one. It takes work, it's a lot of work. And even if you work as hard as you can every damn day there's no guarantee your wife won't snap and drown your child anyway.
We could go to work in a bank, sit pleasantly next to our co-workers for forty years and never know 'em. We come to this place, we see each other raw every day, our guts are hanging out. That's not misery, that makes us lucky. I don't give a damn how much tumult and antagonism there is. That's life, we're deep into it every day and I feel lucky to be here. I'm not buying into any of your despair. Go see what's out there. Talk to your patients. See what real people are up against. And then complain. You're a bunch of spoiled babies, every one of ya'.

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