I'd like to meet:
If you haven't figured it out already, I have reconfigured my MySpace. Most of the functions that you need are on the left. If I missed something, send me a message and I'll fix it.
Now on to me...
My name is Jason, and I try to get a bit of everything from life, but my passion is photography. I love taking pictures. Usually I get paid for shooting weddings and models, but I really like nature and still life photography better. Concerts and sporting events are also amazing to shoot. If you would like to check out some samples of my work, click on the "pictures" link to the left.
I love football. I love baseball. I love... well, all sports kick ass. I even watch golf. Even though the Bucks suck, I will allways love them. As far as baseball goes, I like the Brewers, Red Sox, Cubs and Braves. In football, I like the Packers and the Bengals. But there is no better matchup than the Colt's offence versus the Raven's Defence. I love watching 10 audibles before the ball is snapped.
If you spend any time around me, you will realize that a crap load of schemes come out of my mind. There are like 15 buisnesses that I want to start! Haha... Most of them wouldn't work, but I'd still like to try.
I like cars. Well, it's not so much that I like cars, its more that I love to drive. It is a peacefull, almost zen like experiance to drive across the country alone, in the dark. Until you hit a deer. Then it sucks hardcore. But seriously, I will drive anywhere. Being on the road is like therapy. I love it.
I gotta have my music. I cant play anything... yet. I am trying to teach myself to play the guitar at the moment. We shall see how that goes. I don't plan on failing. Until I learn the guitar however, I love to sing. I must admit however, that nobody else likes when I sing. I just love being emersed in music. There is no particular genre that i like. It is all judged on an individual, case-by-case basis. But of course, you gotta be surrounded by sound wherever you go. I love it.
I am also really into cinema. I love movies. From chick flicks, action, comedy, foreign. I love the visual arts. I even like a lot of movies most people call crappy.
I do smoke cigarettes. And I like it. I know they are bad for me. Thank you for your concern.
And finally, I like being fashionable. I don't really emulate anyone else's style. I have this vain obsession with being the best dressed man in the group I am in. I just like looking good, or trying to. Haha.
Other that that. Man, I don't even know. I like meeting new people. So instead of wondering, why don't you ask me?
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