Dr. FishSkull profile picture

Dr. FishSkull

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm awfully conceited and ego-centric. i tend to talk lots of trash and make many unreasonable demands on friends. I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. I really hate art. i think it fucking sucks. i hate artists too. except maybe guy debord. I really only want to know people who are WORKING CLASS. Trust fund? grew up in hinsdale? i probably have very little in common with you.

I'm a professional cook at a small restaurant and wine bar. I also cater private parties and go to people's houses to teach sushi classes, my website is www.sushigaijin.com. Dressing in a fireman's or police uniform WILL cost extra. No, i do not own assless chaps. Thats a sanitation hazard anyway. But, if the price is right, I might be convinced.

I keep and breed a handful of snakes, most of which i caught in the wild or adopted from the Chicago Herpetological Society. I also have a couple of dozen geckos. I sit on the board of directors of the herp society, and have been actively involved in that and our satellite conservation programs since 2000. I really prefer to go out in the field and CATCH snakes over keeping them at home. I only keep a few to remind me of how great snakes are.
".. arzhklahh

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'm looking for fellow conspirators to world domination who understand they cannot possibly be as great as me, and therefore will take no credit but do all the work.

My Blog

fourth entry

Bastards!! i was preparing to diabolicaly stall transportation with our evil chewing gum/halibut scheme, when someone from something called PETA stopped me and asked why i had a 200lb live halibut ...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Mar 2004 08:30:00 GMT

third entry

hmmm.. it seems that i may need to recruit a few more Anti before my scheme will work. although we have received nearly $2 from loyal members, i think we will need far more income to constitute a b...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Feb 2004 14:19:00 GMT

First stage, entry 2

It's been 20 minutes and no money has arrived. this may take a little longer than i expected!! it better start showing up soon, or i may have to return the 1965 Cadillac I got on credit... on the ...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2004 15:15:00 GMT

First Journal.

the first step in my diabolical plan is to lure unsuspecting people onto this page so that i may convert them to my evil...i mean, socially concerned, group knowns as Anti. from here we will take our...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2004 15:01:00 GMT