I'm awfully conceited and ego-centric. i tend to talk lots of trash and make many unreasonable demands on friends. I once shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die. I really hate art. i think it fucking sucks. i hate artists too. except maybe guy debord. I really only want to know people who are WORKING CLASS. Trust fund? grew up in hinsdale? i probably have very little in common with you.
I'm a professional cook at a small restaurant and wine bar. I also cater private parties and go to people's houses to teach sushi classes, my website is www.sushigaijin.com. Dressing in a fireman's or police uniform WILL cost extra. No, i do not own assless chaps. Thats a sanitation hazard anyway. But, if the price is right, I might be convinced.
I keep and breed a handful of snakes, most of which i caught in the wild or adopted from the Chicago Herpetological Society. I also have a couple of dozen geckos. I sit on the board of directors of the herp society, and have been actively involved in that and our satellite conservation programs since 2000. I really prefer to go out in the field and CATCH snakes over keeping them at home. I only keep a few to remind me of how great snakes are.
".. arzhklahh