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About Me

MyHotComments :: HotFreeLayouts ~*~FiiRsT Of AlL My NaMe IIs SaMaNtHa MaRtInEz**16 YeArS OlD**BoRn On DeCeMbEr 13**I HaVe BrOwN HaIIr AnD BrOwN eYeS**IIm 5'5**RaChElLe Is My MuThAfUCKiN RiDe Or DiE**IM ReAlY StArTiN To WaTcH OuT WiT WhO I HaNg ArOuNd NoW CuZ I DoNt LiKe MeSsY aSs Ppl******I HaVe 2 BrOtHeRs StEvEn AnD MiKeY**I HaVe 1 SiStEr StEpHaNiE AnD AnOtHeR I CoNsIdEr To bE My SiStEr**AnDrEa**II HaVe 2 B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L NiEcEs LiL MiSs HaYlEy AnD LiL MiSs MaCkEnZiE**Well If Ya WaNna KnOw N~E ThIInG ElSe JuSt HiT Me Up BiTcHezZz!!**

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My Interests

*The New and Improved Ultimate About Me*:

Name: SaMaNtHa MaRTiNeZ
Date of Birth: 12~13~90
Birthplace: PoRt CiTy
Current Location: PoRt CiTy
Eye Color: BrOwN
Hair Color: BrOwN
Height: 5'5
Heritage: MeXiCaN AnD WHiTe
Piercings: 2
Tattoos: 2
Band/Singer: Ne~Yo
Song: Do YoU
Movie: ThE HiLLs HaVe EyEs 2
Disney Movie: HiGhScHooL MuSiCaL i GuEsS
TV show: 106Th AnD PaRk
Color: HoT PiNk
Food: SaLaDs
Pizza topping: PePPeRoNi
Ice-Cream Flavor: VaNiLLa
Drink (alcoholic): GrEy GooSe
Soda: DoNt DriNk SoDa
Store: RuE 21
Clothing Brand: AnYtHiNg CuTe
Shoe Brand: NiKe
Season: WiNtEr
Month: DeCeMbEr
Holiday/Festival: ChRiStMaS
Flower: RoSe
Make-Up Item: EyE LiNeR
Board game: CaNdY LaNd LOL
This or That
Sunny or rainy: SuNNy
Chocolate or vanilla: VaNiLLa
Fruit or veggie: FrUiT
Night or day: NiGhT
Sour or sweet: SwEEt
Love or money: LoVe
Phone or in person: iN PeRsOn
Looks or personality: BoTh
Coffee or tea: CoFFee
Hot or cold: CoLd
Goal for this year: To GeT My OwN ApArTmEnT
Most missed memory: My CouSiN AJ And My GraNNy
Best physical feature: EyEs
First thought waking up: i DoNt WaNNa GeT Up
Hypothetical personality disorder: NoNe
Preferred type of plastic surgery: WhErE Do i StaRt lol
Sesame street alter ego: .....
Fairytale alter ego: AnD ThEy All LiVeD HaPPiLy EvEr AfTeR
Most stupid remark: WhAtEvEr
Worst crime: DriNkiNg
Greatest ambition: To Be A CoSmOtOLiGiSt
Greatest fear: HaViNg My MoThEr TaKiN AwAy FroM Me
Darkest secret: HaHa NoT TeLLiN
Favorite subject: EnGLiSh
Strangest received gift: DonT ReMeMbEr
Worst habit: BiTTiNg MY NaiLs
Do You:
Smoke: NaW
Drink: NoT ReAlY
Curse: i TrY NoT toO
Shower daily: DuH
Like thunderstorms: WhEn Im SLeePy
Dance in the rain: YeP
Sing: i TrY
Play an instrument: NoT ReAlY
Get along with your parents: PrEttY MuCh Ya
Wish on stars: AlL ThA TiMe
Believe in fate: YeP
Believe in love at first sight: DoNt ThInK So
Can You:
Drive: YeP
Sew: KiNdA
Cook: YeA
Speak another language: a LiL BiT
Dance: i TrY lol
Sing: I TrY lol
Touch your nose with your tongue: NaW
Whistle: YeP
Curl your tongue: YeP
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: LOL YeS
Been Stoned/High: YeP
Eaten Sushi: nOpE
Been in Love: NoT SuRe
Skipped school: PlEnTy Of TiMeS
Made prank calls: YeA WhEn I wAs YoUngEr
Sent someone a love letter: YeA
Stolen something: YeP
Cried yourself to sleep: YeP
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? WhEn ThEy AcT LiKe SoMeThIng TheY AiNt
Are you right or left handed? LeFt BaBii
What is your bedtime? WhEn I FaLL AsLeeP
Name three things you can't live without: FoOd, ClOtHs, MaKe Up LOL
What is the color of your room? WhiTe
Do you have any siblings? YeS 2 BrOtHeRs AnD 1 SiStEr
Do you have any pets? NoPe
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? MaYbE
What is you middle name? aMeLiA
What are you nicknames? SaMMy, SaM,Mz. MaRtiNeZ,
Are you for or against gay marriage? FoR
What are your thoughts ..ion? iTs So WrOnG
Do you have a crush on anyone? YeS
Are you afraid of the dark? iF iM AlOnE
How do you want to die? iN mY sLeeP
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? I GuEsS 4
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? YeP
What is the last law you’ve broken? CuRfEw
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: AnY
Eye color: LiGhT BrOwN oR gReY
Height TaLLeR ThEn Me
Weight NoT T0 BiG
Most important physical feature: EyEs
Biggest turn-off StUpiD PeOpLe
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I'd like to meet:


You are fun loving and independent, and you don’t like any of your partners to get in the way of that. You enjoy having a lot of flings and short term relationships because you get bored in a long term one. In bed you are demanding of your partner. You want to have hot sex all of the time. You also like to experiment sexually, with different positions and fantasies. Sex matches: Aries, Leo, Libra
Take this quiz at QuizUniverse.com

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Posted by eSaMMye on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 05:36:00 PST