I don’t fear death but I do welcome the path that will let me to my final days ........... My name dose not concern you, if you know me, you know it and if you don’t I have no desire to give you any insight into my personality. You couldn't even begin to understand me. I am complicated & deeper than you think. To began to explain myself would be like unraveling the mysteries of lost times, its pointless and useless for me to even try, so don’t even ask, and don’t be under the false believe that I will get along you just because you know someone that I do, I am my own person, I stand alone and can think for myself, so it doesn’t matter if my friends love you, if I dislike you, you will know it I could care less who you are, if I want to get to know you I will, the few who I speck to, are the few who I actually respect and are the people who you never want to cross, I will not hasted to throw a punch for those few, they would do the same for me.
“Never expect any thing from the ones you love, and you will never be let down by them†Ladystar