Angela profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Interests

I like to travel but of course with a new baby, we haven't traveled in awhile. I enjoy cooking for my family, scrapbooking, and most of all, shopping. I'm not too much into designer stuff but I do love my Coach purses (all 16 of them :-)). I can't resist a good sale but I've cut back alot since I finally realized my closets can only fit so much clothes (yes, I have more than one closet). Besides, my baby has been keeping me quite busy. She is my sunshine. She can make a bad day better. I love her!!!

I'd like to meet:


I listen to alot of different music from rap to pop and even a little bit of country. O.k., maybe not country. :-) I love 80's music. It reminds me alot of my childhood.


I love comedies especially romantic comedies. At home, we watch alot of action movies because that's my husband's favorite. My husband can't sit through a chick flick so I compromise and watch action with him since I find them pretty exciting too. I love Vin Diesel and the Rock!!!


I love old sitcoms. I like watching Nick at Nite. My favorite is Three's Company. I also like Friends and Sex in the City. I have all their DVDs. I'm also into HGTV these days. I want to redecorate my house so I Tivo all their shows and watch it in the morning while I'm getting ready for work.


I love all of James Patterson's books. I think I have all of his books. I also like romance books by Patricia Cabot. I don't get to read as much as I'd like since my husband goes to work early. We're lights out by 9 p.m.


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