At one point during the opening song of the progressive rock group Anomic's set, one suddenly becomes aware of the intensity that has swelled to the breaking point. The attack of the drums beating fiercely, the syrupy guitars meandering unapologetically, the forceful bass marching forward deliberately, and the gritty vocals giving voice to all, swirl around the room vigorously until finally giving way to the song's climatic ending. From there, Anomic continues to compel the listener with their layered songs, at times equally as heavy as before, but often richly calm, never stopping and never losing intensity. What's the secret to the crisp energy? "Half of our set is made up on the spot," says Junior Zavala, guitarist and vocalist of the group. "It's great," adds bassist Andy Smith, "sometimes I like to play complex, and other times I just enjoy holding down the low end." The result is a show that is as unique and complex as the members of the group each and every night. Along with Andy and Junior, Anthony Maro and Elliot Schunke complete the group. When Andy joined Anomic in 2002, he added an element that pushed the group into a new realm of creativity.
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