ESP-Disk' profile picture


About Me


ESP-DISK opened for business in New York City in 1966 on the 12th floor of 156 5th Avenue. During its first 18 months, 45 albums were recorded and released, featuring previously unknown free improvisational artists. The only exceptions were Ornette Coleman and Paul Bley, both of whom had gained global recognition during the 1950's. Artists who made their debuts as leaders on ESP included Albert Ayler, Sun Ra, Gato Barbieri, Bob James, Marion Brown, Roswell Rudd, Burton Greene, Patty Waters, Henry Grimes, Charles Tyler, Sunny Murray, Milford Graves, Sonny Simmons, Ronnie Boykins and Frank Wright. Several of these artists were then quickly sought out and recorded by the Impulse and Columbia labels. ESP had signed no term agreements with its artists, anticipating that this might happen, and that they would then enjoy promotional support from these large companies.
ESP's rock groups, the Fugs and the Pearls Before Swine, wrote and recorded powerful statements against the war in Viet Nam, (KILL FOR PEACE, UNCLE JOHN) and their records rose quickly towards the top of the pop charts, through word of mouth. Over night, the record industry began bootlegging their lps, and no further orders reached ESP. In 1968, less than 3 years after its launch, ESP was driven out of business. The new music that was the major focus of the label was ignored in the U.S., while it was celebrated in Europe and Japan, where licensing agreements were made. Bernard Stollman, who had founded ESP, continued to produce records, although his distributors had shifted to purchasing bootlegs of these recordings, and his market had vanished, He treaded water until 1974, when the label ran out of funding. Within months after ESP closed its doors, Federal anti bootlegging laws were enacted. The master tapes were stored in safe deposit boxes, where they remained for 17 years. Stollman, a lawyer, eventually found employment as an Assistant Attorney General of the State of New York, and retired in 1991. A German record company, ZYX, then licensed the catalog in 1992, reissuing all 115 titles on cd. This relationship continued for 6 years, to be followed by a brief licensing agreement with a Dutch label, CALIBRE, and subsequently with an Italian company, Abraxas. That agreement has ended. In 2005, ESP resumed manufacturing, and now, all of its titles are available from retailers in many countries or by mail order directly from this web site, or by download from itunes, emusic, rhapsody, musicnet and others.
8.29.07 composer/vocalist/pianist from Sweden breaks the sound barrier with her free form originals and standards, the latter resembling something “out of a dog’s mouth.” ESP welcomes Lindha Kallerdahl to it's roster. Be on the lookout for her album soon!
8.9.07 Below is a two part Sun Ra mini-documentary circa 1968. Enjoy!!
Part I.
Part II
7.24.07: ESP has uncovered archival videos of some of our greatest artists, and will be posting them on YouTube for all ESP fans/enthusiasts to enjoy. Below is the first uncovered video featuring Giuseppi Logan circa 1966. More to come in the following weeks.

My Interests


Member Since: 08/07/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
ESP Roster of artistsMuhammed Ali - 1053
Rashied Ali - 1022, 1040
Byron Allen - 1005
Marshall Allen - 1008, 1014, 1017, 1045, 3033
Barry Altshul - 1021, 1091
Martin Ainscow - 2002
Gregg Arnold - 2016
Ed Askew - 1092
George Avaloz - 3026
Albert Ayler - 1002, 1010, 1016, 1020, 3030, 3031, 3032, 4006, 4025,
Donald Ayler - 1010, 1020, 3031, 3032 4001
Dave Baker - 1059
Julius Balbin - 1001
Cheryl Banks - 3033
Amiri Baraka - 1004
Julian Barber - 1006
Gato Barbieri - 1049
William Bennett - 1003
Mike Berardi - 1077
Joan Berardi - 1077
Karl Berger - 1044, 1091
Warren Bernhardt - 3011
Marc Black - 3011
Graham Blackburn - 2010
Ran Blake - 1055
Roger Blank - 1017
Paul Bley - 1008, 1021
Peter Blum - 3011
Juney Booth - 1043, 1044
Alan Bree - 1070
Willem Breuker - 1083
Kent Brinkley - 1059
Lanny Brooks - 1099, 2000
Marion Brown - 1022, 1023, 1040
Ray Brown - 3000
Ronnie Boykins - 1014, 1022, 1045, 3026, 3033
Marion Brown - 4011
Peter Buettner - 3012
Gary Burke - 3011, 3012
Randy Burns - 1039, 1089, 2007
Dave Burrell - 1055, 1064, 1091
George Cameron - 2017, 3008
Chris Capers - 1014
Cyril Castor - 1069
Duncan Charters - 1001
Don Cherry - 1016, 4032, 4043
Kenny Clarke - 1066
Selwart Clarke - 1006
Bud Clifton - 2020
Call Cobbs - 1020
Michael Cohen - 1043, 1052
Ric Colbeck - 1031, 1064
Ornette Coleman - 1006
Jennifer Condos - 3011
Lawrence Cooke - 1091
Jerome Cooper - 3007
D. Coopersmith - 1099
Chic Corea - 1095
Jayne County - 2002, 2013
Pierre Courbois - 1083
Jacques Coursil - 1032, 1053
Stanley Cowell - 1040
Lee Crabtree - 1068, 1069
Roger Crissinger - 1054
Robert Cummings - 1014, 1017
Billy Curtis - 2016
Tadd Dameron - 3001
Anita Dangler - 1019
Lowell Davidson - 1012
Danny Davis - 3033
Don Davis - 3011
Miles Davis - 3000, 3001
Richard Davis - 3019
Jack De Johnette - 3011
Mike DeMicco - 2016
Donna Desin - 2013
Jay Dillon - 1037, 1047, 2017
Dennis Doherty - 2008
Barbara Donald - 1030, 1043
Kenny Dorham - 3000, 3001
Johnny Dyani - 1060
Akh Tal Ebah - 3033
Randy Edelman - 3019
Marc Egan - 3011
Brian Elliot - 2001
Nedley Elstak - 1076
John Emigh - 1082
Michael Ephron - 1091
Michael Esposito - 3011
Frank Evatoff - 1078
Joe Farrell - 1075
Zusaan Fasteau - 3018
Joe Ferguson - 3026
Emery Fletcher - 1039
Shayne Fontaine - 3011
Stan Foster - 1003
Leslie Fradkin - 2017, 3008, 3019
Amy Fradon - 3011, 3012
Leonard Frey - 1019
Robert Friedman - 2017
Joel Friedman - 1029
Becky Friend - 1091
Bruce Gale - 1052
Eric Gale - 1061
Warren Gale - 1052
Donald Rafael Garrett - 3018
Jane Getz - 1003
Bruce Gibson - 1070
Maceo Gilchrist - 1005
John Gilmore - 1014, 1017, 1045, 3033
Dizzy Gillespie - 3000
Allen Ginsberg - 1034
U.E. Glass - 2017
Michael Gold - 2008
Nathan Goldstein - 1006
Eddie Gomez - 1008
Jack Graham - 1032
Jo Zan Grandy - 2008
Dave Grant - 1031
Austin Grasmere - 2001
Milford Graves - 1004, 1008, 1012, 1015
Burton Greene - 1025, 1055, 4038
Dick Griffin - 3033
Henry Grimes - 1020, 1023, 1026, 1029, 1044
Dion Grodey - 1099, 2000
Kwame Hadi - 3033
Al Haig - 3000, 3001
Gunter Hampel - 1042
Wayne Harley - 1054, 1075
Daoud Haroom - 3026
Ali Hassan - 1045
Tommy Hayes - 2017
Steve Hecker - 3020
Richard Heisler - 1099
Don Heller - 1095
G. Hicks - 3020
John Hicks - 1030
Tommy Higs - 3009
John Hiseman - 1057
Billie Holiday - 3002, 3003, 3005, 3006, 4039
Scotty Holt - 1031, 1064
Judith Holten - 3033
Bill Horowitz - 3020
Noah Howard - 1031, 1064
Norman Howard & Joe Phillips - 4033
Tommy "Bugs" Hunter - 3033
Ruth Ann Hutchinson - 1048
David Izenzohn - 1006
Ronald Shannon Jackson - 1029, 3031, 3032
Michael Gregory Jackson - 3028
James Jacson - 1045, 3033
Franz Jahger - 1001
Bob James - 1009
Tiana James - 2021
Joseph Jarman - 3013
Clifford Jarvis - 1045
Leroy Jenkins - 3007, 3013
Roy Jiminez - 1070
Dewey Johnson - 1008
Gregert Johnson - 1082
Jimhmi Johnson - 1014
Reggie Johnson - 1022
Arthur Jones - 1053
Craig Justen - 1099, 2000
Lindha Kallerdahl - 4041
Bobby Kapp - 1049, 1064
Matt Kastner - 1089, 2007
Serge Katzen - 1078
Rolf Kempf - 3012
Larry Kessler - 1037, 1047, 1077, 2017
Louis Killen - 1085
Trevor Koehler - 1099, 2000
Teddy Kotick - 1095
Nisar Ahmad Khan - 1057
Steve Lacy - 1060
Oliver Lake - 3028
Jimi Lalumia - 2013
Howard Lamden - 2006
Byard Lancaster - 1032, 1044
R. Leab - 3020
George Leary - 2016
Lane Lederer - 1054, 1075
Bobby Leeman - 1095
Peter Lemer - 1057
Al Levitt - 1095
Michelle Levitt - 1095
Sean Levitt - 1095
Stella Levitt - 1095
Teresa Levitt - 1095
Art Lewis - 3026
Perry Lind - 1055
Buz Linhart - 1078
Giuseppi Logan - 1007, 1013, 1055
Delores Long - 2016
Frank Lowe - 3013
Bruce Mackay - 1069
Tanya Mackay - 1069
Michael Madden - 2020, 2021
Bill Maloney - 2004
T. Markelis - 3020
Ellis Marsalis - 4000
E. Martin - 3020
Steve Martin - 2017
Carolyn Marx - 2007
Dave Mason - 3012
Chris Mattheson - 1048
Benny Maupin - 1022
Betty MacDonald - 3011
Jim McCarthy - 1037, 1047, 1077, 2017, 3008
Brent McKesson - 1059
Theresa McManus - 2021
Pierre Michelot - 1066
Mij - 1098
Bob Miles - 3008
Carol Miller - 1077
Frank Miller - 2008
Robert Miller - 3009
Tom Miller - 2000
Walter Miller - 1017
Gregg Minnefield - 2016
Billy Mitchel - 1099
Jerry Mitnick - 3020
J.C. Moses - 1044
Charles Moffet - 1006, 1029
Louis Moholo - 1060
Derek Moore - 2008
Don Moore - 2010, 2016
Jerry Moore - 1061, 2010, 2016, 3011
Kermit Moore - 1006
Tom Moore - 1099
Sonny Morgan - 1015
Movement Soul Volme 2 - 4034
A.J. Mulhern - 2007
David Murray - 3028
Sunny Murray - 1002, 1010, 1020, 1032, 3030, 4037
T. Negel - 3020
Kenny Nemiroff - 2016
New Ghost - 4030
New York Art Quartet - 1004
Carl Nimrod - 1045
Cathryn Norris - 1064
Bishop O'Brien - 3011
John O'Leary - 1089, 2007
David Oliver - 3012
Lou Orensteen - 1095
Ted Orr - 3012
Larry Packer - 3012
Charlie Parker - 3000, 3001
William Parker - 3013
Melinda Parkes - 1070
Pat Patrick - 1014, 1017, 1045
Marvin Pattillo - 1003, 1030
Gary Peacock - 1002, 1012, 1016, 1020, 3030
Pearls Before Swine - 4003
David Peel - 2017
Barre Phillips - 1009
Paul Phillips - 1082
Sweet Pie - 2004
Robert Poholek - 1048
Gail Pollard - 1099
Erica Pomerance - 1099
Tommy Potter - 3000, 3001
Bud Powell - 1066, 3021, 3022, 3023, 3024, 4036
Bob Pozar - 1009
Allen Praskin - 1052
John Pratt - 2010
Ron Price - 1099
Tom Price - 1023, 1025, 1026
Chuck Raney - 1069
Boy Raaymakers - 1083
Max Roach - 3000, 3001
Sun Ra - 1014, 1017, 1045, 3033, 4002, 4024, 4026
Tony Racaneli - 2013
Tom Rapp - 1054, 1075
Enrico Rava - 1060
Gretchen Reed - 2016
Tony Reeves - 1057
Rick Rheder - 3011
Neil Ricklen _ 2006
Ferdy Rikkers - 1083
Leslie Ritter - 3012
Bergert Roberts - 2007
Perry Robinson - 1026
Theodore Robinson - 1005
James Rock - 1078
Alan Roth - 4042
Roswell Rudd - 1004, 1016
Mike Ruff - 2016, 3011
Tony Rulio - 3011
Steve Rust - 2005, 2009, 3012, 3029
Shelly Rusten - 1055
Marlene Ryan - 1070
Scott St. John - 2005, 2009
Bill Salter - 1075
Michel Sampson - 3031, 3032
Bruce Samuels - 1089, 2007
Pharaoh Sanders - 1003, 4008
Bob Sanderson - 1069
Peter Scarlatta - 2013
Al Schackman - 1075
Peter Schubert - 1069
Calo Scott - 1049
Arnold Sell - 2006
Dennis Selwell - 3019
Marshall Shamsid-Deen -
Sonny Sharrock - 1044
Daoud Shaw - 2016
Bob Sheehan - 2007
Sam Shepard - 1068
Alan Shorter - 1022
Eddie Shu - 1095
Chris Sigwald - 2010, 2016
Alan Silva - 1032, 1091
Gil Silva - 2010
Sonny Simmons - 1030, 1043, 4012
Rashid Sinan - 2013
Alan Singer - 2006
Sirone - 1040, 1049, 1064, 3007
Larry Smith - 2016
Leo Smith - 3028
Otis Smith - 2044, 3011
Teddy Smith - 1030
Warren Smith - 1054, 1069
Tony Snell - 1072
Erwin Somer - 1083
Alan Sondheim - 1048, 1082
June Sondheim - 1082
Harvey Sorgen - 3029
Peter Stampfel - 1068
Evaline Steinbock - 1095
Charles Stephens - 3033
Jiri Stivin - 1080
Franky Stratos - 2020, 2021
Scobe Stroman - 1055
Barry Sugerman - 1048
Yma Sumac - 4029
John Surman - 1057
Ludek Svabensky - 1080
Steve Swallow - 1021
Tammen Harth Dahlgren Rosen- 4031
Tani Tabbal - 3012
John Tchicai - 1004, 1016
Jonathan Thayer - 2017
Danny Thompson - 3033
Clifford Thornton - 1044
Paul Thornton - 1037, 1047, 1077, 2017, 3019
Johnny Thunders - 2013
Lee Tiger - 3009
Stephen Tiger - 3009
Collin Tihoon - 2010
Steve Tintweiss - 1025, 1053, 1055
Barry Titus - 2005, 2009
Joel Tobias - 2008
Ron Toth - 2004, 2009
Frank Trebinello - 3009
Lennie Tristano - 3000
Rob Turner - 3012
Charles Tyler - 1010, 1020, 1029, 1059, 3030
Richard Tyler - 1069
June Tyson - 3033
Bob Unger - 2017, 3019
Cherry Vanilla - 2013
Peter Van Der Locht - 1083
Martin Van Duynhoven - 1076
Sophie Van Lier - 1076
Marten Van Regteren Altena - 1076
James Vass - 3026
Piet Veening - 1083
Josef Vejvoda - 1080
Karel Vejvoda - 1080
Karel Velebny - 1080
Guy Vischetti - 3012
Paul Wainwright - 2002
Monty Waters - 3026
Patty Waters - 1025, 1055, 4019
Marzette Watts - 1044
Steve Weber - 1068
Mike Welch - 2020
Mark Whitecage - 1077
Drum Drop Willie - 2020, 2021
Bert Wilson - 1043, 1052
Bob Windbiel - 3029
Baird Winham - 2008
Lewis Worrell - 1004, 1010, 3031, 3032
Frank Wright - 1023, 1053, 4007, 4028
Ruth Wright - 3033
Lester Young - 4040
Yuganaut - 4044
Joel Zabor - 1082
James Zitro - 1043, 1052

Sounds Like: Click here for the ESP-Disk' Discography / Archives
Record Label: ESP-DISK'
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

February 2009 Releases are in!

ESP-Disk' is proud to announce our February 2009 new releases:ESP 1025 Patty Waters SingsESP 1067 HAR YOU Percussion Group Songs from the ghetto youthESP 4051 Don Cherry Live at Cafe Montmartre Volume...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:03:00 GMT

April 2008 Releases are in!

Check out our new releases available at www.espdisk.comESP 4044, Yuganaut "This Musicship"ESP 4043, Don Cherry "Live at Cafe Montmartre, 1966 Volume Two"ESP 3013, Frank Lowe "Black Beings"ESP 1052, Ja...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:16:00 GMT

Albert Ayler, "Holy Ghost" now available through ESP!

Revenant Records has granted ESP-DISK' exclusive distribution rights to its Grammy Nominated Albert Ayler 9-CD box set entitled Holy Ghost: Rare & Unissued Recordings (1962-70) (RVN213).  Ayl...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 12:00:00 GMT

Known Bootlegs:

Known Bootlegs:The following products are bootlegs. They are NOT, as claimed, the complete ESP-DISK' recordings, and they are not authorized by ESP-DISK'. They contain outmoded and technically inferio...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 20:06:00 GMT