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I am here for Friends

About Me

I was born in Fulton, the county seat of The Kingdom of Callaway County, Missouri.When the War of Northern Aggression was over and all those sorry wimpy States of the Confederacy rejoined the Union (even if it was at the point of a bayonet), there were a few places that refused to go along. Callaway County Missouri was one of them. They didn't rejoin until 1903, when the last of the old guys died.
Fulton Missouri is also the location of the State Mental Facility. If this has any bearing at all upon my mental status, I cannot and steadfastly refuse to speculate.
After many misadventures with the family during my 12 year identured servitude to the state school, I went and joined the Air Force to *see the world*! They sent my happy butt to Utah.
Well, that was a misadventure by itself. And I don't think I want to go into that right now. If you _absolutely must_ hear the story, come over with a pizza (pizza hut pan pie with everything) and something to drink (remember this is a dry county), and I'll tell the story.
I've spent the last few years trying to raise a son (just exactly when did the alien move in and toss out the good kid I knew four years ago?). At least he seems to be a stable individual, even if he does have his father's odd take on the world. Sorry about that, dude. Just watch yer step when you do step out. There's plenty of animal exhaust out there to get stuck on your shoe.
Tell me a little about yourself. . .
Have you ever. . .
Swam in the Ocean?: yes
Gossiped about your friend?: only when they're right there
Been made fun of?: more often than not
Cried at school?: nope
Made out with your best friend?: ewwwwww
Ran away?: yep
Pictured your crush naked?: frequently
Broken someone's heart?: yep, with a big brass hammer
Skipped school?: yep
Been in love?: yep
Cried when someone died?: only once
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have?: yep
Broken a bone?: yep
Done something embarrassing just to make someone else smile?: yep
Lied?: yes. but not as often as before
Pick and Choose. . .
Coke or Pepsi?: "no Pepsi, Coke!" thanks, john!
Sprite or 7 UP?: 7up
Girls or Guys?: girls
Flowers or Candy?: both
Red rose or white?: red
Night or day?: night
Pants or shorts?: shorts
Jeans or dressed up?: jeans
What do you Like in a Guy or Girl?
Guy or Girl?: girl, please
Blondes or Brunettes?: reds
Scruffy or Clean Shaven?: clean
Hott or Nice?: nice
Tall or Short?: tall
How do they dress?: clean clothes, please
Piercings?: ears, but not too many holes, thanks
Tattoos?: not so many that i get distracted
What do you notice first?: eyes
Best personality trait?: good humor
Slut or Virgin?: somewhere closer to virgin than slut, but not that far away, either
Who do you have a crush on?: you don't have the security clearance for that
Have you told them?: oh no, i don't think so
Do you think it will work?: nope
Your Favorite. . .
Color?: fs35402 indigo, the color of the sr71 blackbird. and no, it wasn't really black.
Movie?: the maltese falcon
Band?: joe satriani
Random Artist or Band that no one would guess that you liked?: bee gees. random enough?
Car?: aerotech vector w-10
Ice Cream?: moosetracks
Food?: chinese or tex-mex
Who. . .
Makes you smile?: kenscandi
Makes you laugh?: foxworthy
Has a crush on you?: dunno. i'm too stupid to notice.
Has it easier; girls or guys?: girls
gives you butterflies?: kenscandi
Do you. . .
Sit by the phone, waiting for a call?: no. answering machines. heard of them? hello???
Save AIM conversations?: i don't aim. except at the firing range.
Wish you were somewhere else?: nah
Wish you were someone else?: why? is there something wrong with being me?
Wear cologne/perfume?: aramis. only when i can afford it.
Know how to spell "cologne"?: cologne. Yes, i cheated, i googled it.
Like to Cuddle?: yep
Like to kiss?: yep
Go online for more than 3 hrs. at a time?: oh yeah
Fall for people easily?: nope
Get emotionally attached easily?: not especially
Know that could ruin your life?: what's a few dents here and there?
Have you ever. . .(part II)
Kissed two people at the same time?: nope
Had sex?: frequently
Been rejected?: yep
Used someone?: yep
Been called a tease?: yep
Dumped someone?: yep
Been cheated on?: yep
Done something you regret?: yep
Not done something and regret it now?: yep
Last Person. . .
You thought about?: mom
You Touched?: kenscandi
You Yelled at?: some goober in a lowrider truck being stupid
You Instant messaged?: n/a
You Hugged?: kenscandi
You Talked to?: kenscandi
You Text messaged?: jason
Who broke your heart?: the list is too long for this box to hold
Who told you they loved you?: kenscandi
More about you. . .
Hair color?: more salt than pepper
Tattoos?: blue unicorn right bicep, dot in right palm where i stabbed my stupid self with a technical pen
Piercings?: nope
Boyfriend/Girlfriend?: kenscandi
Own a webcam?: yep, just don't have it connected
Own a thong?: ewww, buttfloss!
Smoke?: only tires on the car
Drink?: occasionally. why, you buying? wild turkey, neat please. a double if you don't mind. thanks.
Obsessive?: sometimes
Panicky?: only when my hair is on fire
Depressed?: sometimes
Just Answer.
How easy is it to make you laugh?: not very
Do you like dirty humor or sick humor?: not especially
What word always makes you smile?: goobers
What's the funniest thing you've ever heard?: an upright piano being thrown down a steep shale mountain slope
Your best halloween costume?: pirate
The worst?: pirate (my dad made it)
Favorite holiday?: thanksgiving
Where were you last week?: at home
Where do you want to live?: right here is fine
Last time you showered?: last night
Last time you brushed your teeth?: this morning
What'd you eat for breakfast?: sausage egg roll
What are you wearing?: shorts and tshirt
Don't you think that's a dirty question to end this quiz with?: yep
Is that alright with you?: it has to be, i suppose
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Albert Einstein. I have a few math questions from jr high school that never got answered to my satisfaction.

the Apostle Peter. What was it like, really, to be the second (and last) person to walk on water?

Phyllis Diller. Did her husband really mind being the model for "Fang?"

there's more to be added to this list, but this will do for a start.

My Blog

hello? is this thing on?

ken: hello? is this thing on? Ed: well, it's about time you get back to this thing. ken: i been busy. leave me alone. Ed: busy doing what? deep navel inspection? eyelid checks? ken: no. i've been doin...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 14:43:00 GMT

default title block

well, we are scheduled to start working at the shipyard again tomorrow. only one thing: i'm not going to. my favorite quote from mr. worf says it all: "I... am on... vacation!!!" at least i know where...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 15:56:00 GMT

invalid subject line, you cannot leave the subject line blank. AND WHY NOT???

here it is, the 24th of march. 17 days into the strike at the shipyard. two of the folks walking the line got married yesterday. on the picket line. isn't that romantic? girls, don't you just want to ...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 06:50:00 GMT

welll, it's tuesday...

well, it's tuesday. the electrical union just voted today on the company's second "offer" for a contract. did I say offer? I meant insult. their offer of $1.40 an hour raise tells us precisely how muc...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 17:07:00 GMT

keep them things covered. thank you.

well, it's been months it seems, since i've updated this thing. today is our 44th anniversary. and to all who remembered enough to send a card or gift, we thank you. you know who you are. and to those...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 13:58:00 GMT

i can't leave the subject line blank. boohoo.

well, it's the second day of the new year. i've finally gotten around to looking at this page. and i still don't have anything to say. so, i guess all i can say is be careful out there. and don't driv...
Posted by on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 15:39:00 GMT


what? someone actually read my blog? wow! lol! guess i'd better think of something quick! hmmm... i got nothin. owell. y'all play nice. don't make me come over there!
Posted by on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 17:23:00 GMT

testing, testing. is this thing on?

there's a blog on this thing?maybe i'll start to use it. maybe i'll surprise people with it. maybe i'll just forget i have it and only post every three months or so, who knows?and i'm giving fair warn...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 14:51:00 GMT