..[R][Y][A][N].. profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Myspace layouts from Pyzam.com
Ryan Emerson. 21 years old from sunderland originally. hopefully 2008 shud be a gud year, gonna go on holiday wiv the the lads later this year, my driving bam finishes in july so i can start taking my lessons!. Made sum new year ressies but havnt started yet! mainly 2 give up smoking and go to the gym. Any thing u want 2 no just ask!Myspace Layouts Get your hot exclusive online now button, just like the one on this page on SomeCodes.com

My Interests

GoinG OuT, SunderlanD, MusiC, GyM, PokeR, FootbalL, GirlS, GirlS, GirlS, GirlS.

I'd like to meet:

AnY1 ReallY, I LikE MeetinG NeW PeoplEThis profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.com


JamiE T, OasiS, KasabiaN, ThE KookS, BluR, Red HoT ChillI PepperS, LeD ZepliN, MaximO ParK, The TwanG, CribS, SnooP DoG, EmineM, MimS, SnoW PatroL, BoB MarleY, DamieN MarleY, FratelieS, DizzE RascaL, PenduluM, New Monkey, BasemenT JaxX, ChemicaL BrotherS, EriC MorillO, FaT BoY SliM, TiestO, BoB SinclaR, KlaxonS, ArctiC MonkeyZ, MadnesS, CalviN HarriS, GyM ClasS HeroeS, AkoN, GroovE ArmadA, KaiseR CheifS, AmY WhitehousE, TraviS, FraY, MarK RonsoN, PigeoN DetectiveS, GarY JuleS, MylO, ProdigY, FaithlesS, MobY, RihannA, JimmY HendriX, ThE SreetS, OrdinarY BoyS, Gwen SteffanI, D12, OutcasT, ThE StrokeS, DafT PunK, ArmanD VaN HeldeN, BustA RhymeS, Dr.DrE, ThE VieW, ThE EnemY, PenduluM, MotorcyclE, PauL VaN DyK, ThE HoosierS, MalakaI, EstellE, SaM SparrO, TimberlanD,


AnchoR Man, ChoppeR, JameS BonD, BournE IdentitY, PirateS Of ThE CarabiaN, GoodfellerS, CasinO, RaginG BulL, TaxI, RompA StompA, GreeN MilE, 8 MilE, FootbalL FactorY, GreeN St, Saw123, Borat, Edward ScissoR HandS, Hannibal, ScreaM, ScarY MoviE, AmericaN PiE, BuffolO SoldierS, HosteL, SmokiN AceS, BlooD DiamonD, BirdcagE, GoonieS, Hotel RwandA, ScarefacE, HellraiseR, DeaD Mans ShoeS, PuerleY BeltA, MeaN MachinE, GoaL, HurricanE, 7, DiE HarD, RoaD Trip, DonniE DarkO, KinG KonG, QuadropheniA, FinaL DestinatioN, CellulaR, MonsteR, CatcH Me If U CaN, MidnighT ExpresS, ThE ExorcisT, SecreT WindoW, CandymaN, ThE CroW, MunicH, WickeR MaN, Lord Of War, MissioN ImpossiblE, CasanovA, RockY, ReservoiR DogS, JarheaD, SupermaN, EmpirE, FasT AnD ThE FuriouS, V fOr VandettA, X-MeN, NachO LibrE, BrotherhooD, Boyz N ThE Hood, JohN TuckeR MusT DiE, HavoC, SnakeS On A PlanE, My SupeR X GirlfrienD, ThE RocK, ThE DeparteD, HeaT, BristoL BoyZ


FriendS, HollyoakS, EastenderS, Im A CeleB, Big BrotheR, SimpsonS, SopranoS, LosT, The F WorD, GaviN AnD StaceY, 2 PintS oV LageR AnD A PackeT Ov CrispS, JerrY SpringeR, ThE ReaL FootbalL FactoryS, AmericaS ToughesT PrisonS, MatcH Ov ThE DaY, ToP GeaR, 5th GeaR, WifE SwaP.


TruE StoryS + CrimE

My Blog

The Geography Of A Man and Woman!!

The geography of a man and woman Between 18 and 20 a woman is like Africa, half discovered, half wild,naturally beautiful with fertile deltas. Between 21 and 30 a woman is like America, well developed...
Posted by ..[R][Y][A][N].. on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 12:14:00 PST

go on fill it out!

1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet?4. Do you have a crush on me? 5. Would you kiss me?6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.7. Describe me in one word. 8. Wha...
Posted by ..[R][Y][A][N].. on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 03:17:00 PST


Q: Why doesn't a chicken wear pants? A: Because his pecker is on his head! **************************************************** Wanna hear a dirty joke? A little boy falls into the mud Wanna hear a cl...
Posted by ..[R][Y][A][N].. on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 07:26:00 PST