MUSIC!,try to take over the world!*harharhar*, chocolate, literature, movies, politics, sleep until 12pm [so rare :'( ], have the most stupid conversations, have the most interesting conversations, sleeeeeeeeeep, smoking in the kitchen with flatmate, doing nothing, hate doing nothing,try to find my on/off-button ,try to find the on/off-button of every other human being [would be sooo easy then], BEEEEER! :D etc.
Power Electronics
etc ....
The Boondock Saints,Brother,The Machinist,Pirates of the Caribbean,Man bites Dog,Natural Born Killers,Amélie,Harold and Maude,Itchy The Killer- one of the worst movies ever :D, Killer Nr.1
The Simpsons,House,Family Guy,Monkey Dust,My Name is Earl,Futurama,Black Books
Steppenwolf,Siddartha,Unterm Rad, Das Glasperlenspiel(Hermann Hesse);Bertold Brecht;George R.R. Martin - Song of Ice and Fire; Micheal Ende; Johann Wolfgang von Goethe- Die Leiden des Jungen Werthers, Faust, and tons of poems, Max Frisch-Homo Faber