Hi, my name is ASHLY profile picture

Hi, my name is ASHLY

The world does not revolve around you. Get your info and facts straight before you go running your m

About Me

Ashly -
A person of questionable sanity who starts her own cult
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?'
I have far newer blogs than what is showing on my page. For some reason myspace will not show any of the newer ones on my profile, but they are there if you go to my blogs. Sorry friends. ............................................................ ................................................
And I learn every room long enough, To make it to the door, And then I hear it click shut behind me. And every key works differently, And I forget every time. And the forgetting defines me. Yeah that's what defines me.
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
You will sink in a mire. You like to think you're normal, but deep down you really just want to strip off your clothes and roll around in chicken fat.
"Men can rarely endure a profession of which they do not believe or convince themselves it is at bottom more important than any other. Women adopt a similar attitude towards their lovers."

My Interests

Treasure and the open sea! Photography, museums, books, animals, driving around, shopping, writing, pissing people off, things that make me laugh, laughing at other people, laughing at myself, guns, sunny days, thunderstorms, jewelry, high heels, good music, good movies, good people, good times, good coffee, good food, dark chocolate, new things, unique things, interesting things, bonfires, Christmas trees, Valentine's Day (all that red), FIREWORKS, gardening, fish tanks, aquariums, small wonders, big changes, things that make you go hmmmm, dark secrets, hushed voices, intoxicating memories, fear, the unknown, you. Oh yeah and eye patches. Love me a good eye patch.
What Am I Made Of?
A Hint Of: Appalling
2 Parts: Smart
1 Part: Introverted
So much for sugar & spice.

I'd like to meet:

No one. Leave me alone.A couple shitheads, an alcoholic and a womanizer. Then I'd like to meet a guy who can sell me an A-Bomb and blow this fucking place to hell! Really though: Scott Adams. Ron White. A cowboy. A man who owns his own empire and a woman who breaths power like air and has never had to compromise. I'd like to meet my maker and ask a couple questions. I'd like to shoot pool with the devil and see if I can get under his skin. I'd only like to meet smart people, ever. Guess I'll have to change professions. I'd like to meet "the powers that be" and "them" and the first person to come up with a conspiracy theory. I'd like to meet those who are truly responsible for America's decline. On second thought, no I wouldn't. They're probably all bleeding-heart democrats. I'd like to meet myself so I can form my own opinion about what others may think of me (not that I care, I just don't want the wrong sorts of people liking me is all). Johnny Cash. Jessica Simpson (Are you REALLY that stupid? Really? Oh come on now... really? Damn.) Someone who can disprove everything I think is typical of the opposite sex. Someone who can disprove everything I think is typical of my own sex. Someone who makes days feel like seconds and years at the same time. Someone who makes everything make sense, even when it doesn't. Someone who tells the truth no matter the cost. Someone who prefers the truth even when it means that yes, your ass does look fat in those jeans. (And yes, I am laughing AT you.) Someone who thinks like I do and speaks like I do and laughs at the same things I do. Someone who reads all of this and thinks, "Yeah, me too." Or even ditto. I don't mind being dittoed. Though it is a bit dated. Trent Reznor. Chris Garver. Someone hidden by layer upon layer of shadow. Someone illuminated by rays of the purest white. Someone who speaks with me as though language has been developed at this moment, right now. Someone who smiles and frowns, who laughs and gets blue. Someone human. Truly human. Someone deserving of the title. So in a nutshell, a really smart, really well rounded cowboy (with good hair) (who looks good in those jeans) (who likes art, did I mention art?) (oh yes and likes LOTS of music and not country) ought to do it. Huh. He should be tall too. I do have that minimum height requirement. Basically, I want to meet someone who is perfect... in my eyes. I don't care about anyone else's eyes. Claw them out for all I care. Okay so maybe I wasn't joking about the guy with the bomb....
explodingdog.com Sam Brown


Sirius Satellite Radio._______ Portishead._______________ NIN._____________________ Cocksparrer.______________ The Working Title.________ R.E.M.___________________ Johnny Cash.____________ P J Harvey._______________ Naked Aggression.________ Eminem._________________ George Winston._________ Death Cab for Cutie.______ Depeche Mode.___________ Chingy.__________________ Joe Jackson._____________


OK top twelve in random order: Harold and Maude, The Professional, La Femme Nikita, Jean Luc Goddard's My Life to Live, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the original people), Bridget Jones Diary, Soylent Green, Disney's Robin Hood, Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal, Outrageous Fortune, Run Lola Run, Party Girl.


CSI, Dr. House, Bones, Gray's Anatomy. When I want a look at Americans at their worst I watch the Family Feud. It irritates me that whenever a good show, with depth and thought provoking dialogue, is aired it never lasts more than a couple seasons. Is this country so dummied-down that anything requiring the use of one's brain, i.e.: anything with more wit, irony, satire or perplexity than, say, the King of Queens, can't be tolerated? It's no wonder that I happen to like PBS.


Anything by Orson Scott Card, Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett and Piers Anthony. Jane Green's books. I have currently read every novel in paperback in the Discworld series. I'll give almost any book a chance so long as it's fiction. I like fiction. "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewski, btw, was not worth what I paid for it. It was slow and a bit lame and didn't really have much of an ending. I wouldn't recommend it. I didn't dislike the book, there are just many other books I'd rather have pawed through. Oh yes, I like psychology and philosophy books as well. And manuals, I love sitting down and reading manuals. Especially software manuals. Though the manual for my camera is a fascinating read as well!!


Sol. Wonder Woman. Superwoman. Elizabeth Taylor. Martha. Kicking ass in style, lots of it.

My Blog

A word to the children.

I'm flattered that you want me as a friend but what do all of you really think I have in common with a bunch of 14 and 15 year olds? With nick names like "sluts n whores" no less. Hmm? Give up? OK let...
Posted by Hi, my name is ASHLY on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 05:05:00 PST