The things I enjoy doing the most are studying the scriptures, studying and worshiping with fellow believers, and listening to great Christian music.
I also enjoy surfing the net and especially checking out deep thinking bible study sites and blogs. It's great to find out what other Christians believe and think about things. As iron sharpens iron, man sharpens man.
Some great ministries that I have found are:
EPIC Ministries
Shoreshim Ministries
Cross TV/Word Pictures
Amazing Facts
Malcolm Smith Ministries
In Touch Ministries
I enjoy listenening to talk radio (that is, when I have the time) to keep on top of current events.
My favorite talk shows:
Rush Limbaugh
Sean Hannity
Tom Sullivan on KFBK
I'm an avid do-it-yourselfer and am in the process of redoing our home inside and out. You name it, I'll try it. I also sew things for our home such as curtains, pillows...things like that.
I'd like to meet:
My Father and my brother Yahshua (Jesus)- Though they already live in my heart, I long for the day when I finally meet them face-to-face.
All of the prophets and servants of the Most High God. - Without these faithful Holy men and women, where would we be?
Mom - That is to say, meet her again. She was such a wonderful Christian woman. I wish you all could have known her. She fought so valiently for my brother and his fight for life and in doing so, she changed the world and left if a better place.
"And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them." Rev. 14:13
You're in the Lord's hands now Mom. It won't be long til we see each other again... I love you.
Jerry and Donna Williams - Founders of EPIC Ministries - Two wonderful, committed Christians for whom I have the utmost respect and admiration. Their walk with God has left an indelible impression upon my heart. If I could have even half the Spirit they have I would be very blessed. It would be great to meet them both in person.
Jerry and Donna, no words created in this life can ever express just how much your music has ministered to me these past 30 years. I can never repay you for all that you have done for me. Without you, I would not have made it through. Father bless you both.
Gene and Marie - Another wonderful Christian couple who showed me with their lives what the love of Christ was all about. Marie, rest in Jesus and I'll see you soon.
Ben and Betty N. - My spiritual Father and Mother. Thanks for being there when I needed you.
Fellow believers - It doesn't matter what denomination you might belong to or whether we agree with everything or not, if you are a believer then we are all part of the body of Yahshua.
I absolutely love music and have many Christian and secular favorites, though I don't listen to the secular that often anymore. When I do listen to it, my favorites are Collective Soul, Keane, Jet, Nickelback, 3 Doors Down, Matchbox 20, Savage Garden, Train, and just about anything from the 50's, 60's and 70's, especially Elvis, The Beatles, Bread, CCR, Fleetwood Mac, Chicago, and anything from the British invasion and Motown. But I prefer listening to music that is God breathed the most, so I've become much more particular lately about the music I listen to. It is more of a worship experience for me than just something to have on in the background, so I try to listen to the very best Christian music around because only the best will do. There is little time left to waste on anything else.
I prefer the classic CCM sounds from the mid 70's - mid 90's the most, but also enjoy Messianic Jewish music and some newer music too. It's hard to believe most of the stuff that's out there masquerading itself as Christian music today. Though there's still good music to be found, you have to search through a lot of garbage to find it.
You can check out some of my faves at the following link:
My Project Playlists
My absolute favorite Christian artist is Jerry Williams (Harvest). If you want to experience deep, spiritually annointed music, there's no one better. You can hear songs from his last 4 albums at Jerry Williams MySpace so check it out.
There are so many other good CCM artists out there besides those listed below, such as Michele Wagner, Lamb, David and the Giants,and so many more, so I encourage you to check them out.
Don't settle for most of the junk that masks itself as Christian music just because it's popular. Go for the music that not only has the form of godliness, but also it's power.
Check these out!
Jerry Williams/Harvest
Michael Card
Wayne Watson
Steve Camp
Rich Mullins
Dallas Holm
Tim Sheppard
DeGarmo & Key
David Meece
Steve Green
Susan Ashton
4 Him
Trace Balin
Ray Boltz
Twila Paris
Scott Wesley Brown
Keith Green
Chuck Girard
2nd Chapter of Acts
Don Francisco
Billy and Sarah Gaines
Margaret Becker
Jimmy Miller
Todd Agnew
Since it is so hard to find good Christian music today, I've decided to post links to some independant artists that I think are very good. Check them out.
Leilani Clark
Crissy Linhart
Randy Weaver
James Madison Thomas
Jerry Williams - Riding For The Son
Todd Agnew - Amazing Grace
Get this video and more at
Paul Wilbur - Days of Elijah
I don't watch many movies anymore. But since this is about movies, first I have to say that I can't stand 99% of the stuff that's out there today and wouldn't pay a dime to see it. If I do feel like watching a good movie, I usually watch Turner Classic Movies (great films, no commercials!)or movies with a Christian/spiritual theme.
I've listed some of my faves below. I try to watch only the best in film, so I hope you agree with my choices. If you do enjoy watching great films, I recommend the following:
"Christian" movies:
The Gospel of John (My personal favorite)
Jesus of Nazareth
The Hiding Place
(I highly recommend this one!)
China Cry
Hotel Rwanda
(though not a "Christian" movie, the story is about a Christian man who stands in the gap for the lives of others)
John Huss
Ben Hur
The Ten Commandments
Gods Outlaw:
The Story of
William Tyndale
John Wycliffe:
The Morningstar
Pilgrims Progress
Chariots of Fire
Love Comes Softly
Loves Enduring Promise
Loves Long Journey
Loves Abiding Joy
Films by Akira Kurosawa including:
The Seven Samurai
The Hidden Fortress (main inspiration behind Star Wars)
Throne of Blood
Films by Baz Luhrmann including:
Strictly Ballroom
Romeo and Juliet
Moulin Rouge!
Films by Orson Welles including:
Citizen Kane
The Lady from Shanghai
The Magnificent Ambersons
Tomorrow is Forever
Films by Alfred Hitchcock including:
The Birds
Strangers on a Train
Rear Window
Shadow of a Doubt
Films by M. Night Shyamalan:
The Village
Films with Toshirô Mifune
(This includes all those listed under Akira Kurosawa as well):
The TV Miniseries Shogun
Samurai I: Musashi Miyamoto
Samurai II: Duel at Ichijoji Temple
Samurai III: Duel on Ganryu Island
Films with Teresa Wright
(One of my favorite actresses):
Mrs. Miniver
Pride of the Yankees
Shadow of a Doubt
The Best Years of our Lives
Films with Paul Muni
(One of my favorite actors):
The Good Earth
I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang
The Story of Louis Pastuer
The Life of Emile Zola
Sci Fi Films:
The Thing (the original)
The Star Wars Saga
The Matrix Trilogy
Star Trek films
Dark City
The Time Machine
Crack in the Earth (anybody else remember that one?)
The Incredible Shrinking Man
Period Pieces:
Les Misérables (with Liam Neeson)
Kings Row
Anne of Green Gables Miniseries
Sense and Sensibility
Lord of the Flies
Sunset Boulevard
The Shawshank Redemption
Silent Films
(These set the standards by which many movies are made today):
The Birth of a Nation
Dr. Mabuse 1&2
Charlie Chaplin films
The Kid The Great Dictator
Harold Lloyd films
Lon Chaney films
Phantom of the Opera The Unknown
I watch very little TV and then only on cable.
Most everything on Christian television today is garbage. The rule I follow when watching any Christian programming is "glean". I recommend to anyone reading this to do the same.
The best Christian shows I've found are:
A Rood Awakening with Michael Rood
Not only entertaining but very informative. Though he's off on some things, he's dead on with the deeper truths of scripture(Sabbath, Feast Days,
"Christian" holidays, Biblical headship). Definitely worth watching!
Amazing Facts
Doug Batchelor brings understanding to scriptures that most of Christianity seems to ignore. Great program!
Word Pictures
Wonderful source for true, committed, biblical Christianity. Delves deep into the Word and let's the Spirit do the cutting.
Though I disagree with Perry Stone on most things, he is one of the few expositors of deep scripture out there. He's got a lot of knowledge on the Feastdays and the Sanctuary. Just overlook the rest.
Some other shows I like are:
Hannity and Colmes
The O'Reilly Factor
Glenn Beck
Drive Thru History
In Touch with Charles Stanley
Michael English
Jack and Rexella Van Impe
The Hal Lindsey Report
Myles Munroe
My favorite channels are:
Fox News Channel
History Channel
Food Network
I'm not into novels so I don't read those. I really don't read much except the scriptures and the news. If I do pick up a book it's about spiritual topics, politics, or DIY projects.
Books I highly recommend are:
The Complete Jewish Bible
The Desire of Ages
The Great Controversy
Foxe's Book
of Martyrs
My Utmost
For His Highest
The Pursuit of God
The Root
of the Righteous
Pilgrim's Progress
Animal Farm
Though there have been many people the Lord has brought into my life that I admire, I would not call them my heroes, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. My Father and Savior alone are worthy of my praise and worship.