Lets see,
I Like meeting new people, people who make me laugh people who make me cry people who make me think, people who challenge me, people that can teach me and people who like me for who i really am........ meeting people shapes us as a person, and i love having friends, i don't know where i'd be without them.
So i'd jus like to devote this little area of my profile to a number of my amazing friends who make life just that little bit easier................
If your not on here and you feel left out don't hesitate to ask i don't update this enough :)
well buddy what can i say we've been friends for a long time and i guess we've always been there fore each other specially when we both need it and i know we'll be buddys forever!
Well i've been friends with you longer than anyone who i'm still in touch with, and i know i'll know you for like ever! Even if we don't hang out as much as we used to.....mainly cos i hate you and your a terrible bloke, basically you haaaaaaaaaaaaate gooch!
you are one cool mofoand i just love how feckin crazy you are! Never change :)
aka snake face, where would i be without my trips to the whole that can only be known as southbrough, oh we haaaaaaaate ice cream!
what would i do without your visits when your not in some foreign land tanning yourself, i enjoy our chill out sessions :)
Big Shout out to Elmside Massive, the house that rocks more than any, looking forward to one more year, ps. how do get rid of Jozeph?? Ooooooooooonly joking!
sorry you didn't make it higher although you can be the worst bloke ever you've always been there for me when i've needed you, and i bet you always will be!
Little Lady Kate,
Ahh Little lady kate how i love you so, i haven't seen you in like 4 years but we are slowly rekindling the wonderful friendship we once had. i enjoy your letters and the pictures you draw :p good luck in escaping the hurst.
well more precisely The ledge that is Jono i can only hope i move to Kilndown so we can big it up!
Sam and Will and Robyn,
my main confederates in the 6 degrees, what can i say we are fucking great at hockey!! Look forward to all our future victories
The Ladies in the Six Degrees
Lisa, Sorry and Little Miss Anna from Wales (Bo). How did i mange to blag getting you hotties to play for me what can I say we need more socials............
before you think it i didn't forget you so pipe down :p although i am an ass i'm sure some how we will always be ''friends'' lol :p
your fat ginger but somehow we're still friends, what the hell is that all about?? I'm missing Heroes already!!
The Hawkhurst crew,
It may be pretty much dead, but it will never be forgotten
Well that about sums it up for all you mofo's but watch this space.....................................%D%A
The Gallery of Friends
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Yup, your getting a big long list!!
Below are but a few films! Past and future which i think deserve a mention
As lame as it sounds i don't think i get to read as much as i would like. but when i do its usually fantasy books like the Harry Potter collection to which im looking forward to the final book! Sad times :( but also i have read the lord of the rings trilogy and a few other classics. I'm also currently in the process of reading Geophry Archers book a Cat O Nine Tales when i finally buy it haha :)
My new Surfing teacher, look at him here showing me the art of it!! Wax on, Wax Off!!