Making fun of Will for being an A-Hole of course was the top of everyones list. Not anymore though buddy. No more making fun of Will starting now. wooooooooo hoooooooo Other then that its the usuall - hanging out with friends just doing that random action which usually leads into a over exagerated story, taking road trips, watching that non scary movie (not my fault I cant take it) Going to concerts where I call out the wrong name of the band that the band was covering. LoL GUNS AND ROSES!!!!!!!!!!! Going to the beach an pretending we rode the biggest wave in the history of waves. Yea as you can see I'm a pretty good story teller. Oh and Staypoe pancakes are the best!
God, Jesus, The Blessed Virgin Mary, 9 chorals of angels, and all The Saints.
Techno Cd's (thanx J) Postal Service, death cab for cutie, The Faint, The Mars volta, Jimmy Eat World, The Killers, The Bravery, That Numa Numa Song, fall out boy, squarepusher, one song on the new NIN cd, and radiohead. Oh and classical stuff. Thank you Tawny Kim for that piano Christmas piece;-). Tawny Kim = freakin sweet
well I really like dramas that like are
Conan O'brian.
The book..The Bible duh...heck yes, and all about the angels