Hello my name is Rebecca Morris. I am a Registered nurse in real life and have worked as a nurse since 1982. As a teenager I loved to write but never pursued it as a career. I have had the opportunity in nursing to experience situations through my patients and their families that have led me to pursue my writing. There have also been things that have happened in my life that led me to write. A pen and a piece of paper has been like a friend to me many times and always has been willing to listen to what I have to say. I joined Nashville Songwriters Association a few years ago to learn more about the songwriting process and attended several of their seminars which were very helpful to my writing skills. I also studied piano and guitar and well here I am a nurse/songwriter/guitar picker who can't sing worth a ****. I still work as a nurse here in Nashville USA while trying to break into the songwriting. I left my home in Sylacauga Alabama to come here and I really miss my grandsons and daughter. It is making it very difficult to keep chasing this crazy dream! I also have a husband who supports my dream and is there for me to listen to every song even the bad ones that I write. Please take the time to listen to the song Fishing with the best which is about my dad . He fought in Pearl Harbor as a marine and later reenlisted in the army and fought in Vietnam and earned the Bronze Star for bravery. Thanks for stopping by to see me any comments are welcomed.