Well, my name is Ainsley..my eldest uncle named me after his girlfriend. I'm a Gemini which means I'm super indecisive..I love duality...I tend to gravitate towards other Geminis. All the great loves of my life have been Geminis..my mother, grandmother and great-grandmother are Geminis. I'm very close to my family...and spend time with them on a weekly basis. My sisters are my best friends and my daughter is the most important person in my life. I'm shy..but outgoing...I'm quiet..but laugh loud. As I've gotten older, I make friends more easily. I get annoyed with self-absorbed people...at times I think I'm too nice..but finally know when enough is enough. I tend to be bit of a drama queen and slightly emotional...however this enables me to be intuitive toward others feelings. I love to laugh..love to tease and don't mind being teased back as long as its not mean. I'm scared of beetles. And..I'm a good mother. :)
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