Don Baker profile picture

Don Baker

About Me

I was introduced to music at an early age by my parents, who have always been true supporters of traditional country music. Not only was country music always playing on the car radio but my dad was and still is a tremendous lead guitar man. Some of my fondest memories revolve around jam sessions that my dad was involved in with my uncle and other family members and friends. Another thing that I unknowingly became aware of during those times was that for every great song there is bound to be a great songwriter. Whether it be for an unforgettable melody or thought provoking lyrics, the songwriter always shared equal billing among the music lovers I grew up around.I started playing the guitar in high school and while I was struggling with those first guitar chords I also stumbled upon an eight track tape in my older brothers collection that I think had more to do with me trying to write songs than anything else. It was Prime Prine by legendary singer songwriter John Prine. I couldnt get enough. I played it over and over until I knew most of the words to all of the songs. This was also very beneficial in my guitar playing as I learned the chords and tried to accompany myself while singing the lyrics. It wasnt to long after that that I began to pay more attention to other songwriters and began making up lyrics myself. Since that time Ive been hooked on songwriting.In the winter of 2003 I recorded my first CD. The CD contains 10 of my original tunes and has been a wonderful experience for me from start to finish. I try to get out once a month or so and play these songs and try out new ones I have been writing also. I love to play to attentive audiences who listen to the lyrics and I look forward to getting to do that more in the future.
Video of new song "Patiently Waiting" from songpull 3

My Interests


Member Since: 07/07/2006
Band Members: Don Baker
Influences: Everything I have ever listened to.
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New Songs Posted & CD update

Hey Everybody,I have uploaded 3 tunes from my new CD to give you an idea of what to expect.  The CD will have 14 songs total and has already been sent out for manufacturing.  I expect to have it ready...
Posted by on Tue, 19 May 2009 06:44:00 GMT

New CD in the works

Hi Everybody, Finally after several years of procrastinating, I have started a new CD project.  I started out with a list of 14 songs and am excited to see how it all shakes out.  Recor...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Nov 2008 19:31:00 GMT