Anything really...Not to sound simple...Anything that can make me go..."hmmmm...." Something that makes me think into a situation more than normal effort...other wise it wouldn't intrest you right?
Anyone....Like I've always said..."Were never going to meet all the people in the world in our life time...I'd like to meet as many people as I can... you never know what people have to offer in life.."in that sense... she already know who she is... this video is for someone out there.. so this is a shout out.."
Pretty much everything...if you catch yourself grooving, singing, and thinking to it, good enough for me...Anything that can catch a tune to my ears...thats if you get past how loud it is 1st....
All kinds really....most of the time it' really not my disicion.. Everyone picks already.. Mostly scary and action or drama. Some soft ass movies are good for the soul sometimes! hehe....
Not home enough to watch the magic box.
I used to read a lot.. But now it's really magazines or anything useful to me.. I used to read the encyclopedia back in the day..~~What a fucking nerd?!?
HerO'? whats a hero?....