Art, science, sociology, economics.
Too broad? Umm... Clothes.
Someone who doesn't take themselves seriously, yet still has something worthwhile to say.
I've always enjoyed the sound of vacuum cleaners, epecially the ones from janitorial staff when they discover me sleeping in their seedy motel foyer.
In other news, my music media library is at 15576 songs.
I've watched at least part of 54 films released before 1975. I hope to get in 14 more by the end of summer. They don't make 'em like they used to!
I've never owned one, but I used to use my parents' all the time back in 1996.
If it's fiction, don't expect me to know anything about it nor care to. Not that I don't respect it, there's just far too much non-fiction to read already.
Thomas Edison, Ludwig van Beethoven, Alan Turing