Hi evrybody,my name is Don Yuse!I have been writing songs for quite a while,15-20 yrs.!I enjoy writing very much,its always been a passion of mine to write a great song!When I write I put my heart and soul into every word,and all my feelings into the music!I want everyone to feel,or hear what each song is about!I want to take this time to thank you for listening,no matter how rough the songs are,I am always trying new things out!!Feel free to let me know if you like a song.!
Thank you for checking my music out,peace!!!
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Member Since: 07/07/2006
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Your input please!
Hello!For those of you who don't know,I enjoy writing songs!I am going to be posting new songs all the time!I know some are very rough,not recorded good,but I'm posting them to get input!I would like ... Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 08:37:00 GMT