sPoRtS..Billiards..DOTA!...GiGs, giMMiCks(eAsTwOOd, greenbelt, roCkweLL)..fRieNds..MoViEs..GurLs..=Þ GOD
~..: The Beatles..Led Zeppelin..Bob Marley..Incubus..Damien Rice...some r&b and slow jams...and some rhasta music...ahaha :..~
Trainspotting--~--Cinderella Man--~--Closer--~--Million Dollar Baby--~--Wedding Crasher--~--Longest Yard--~--Mr. & Mrs. Smith--~-- Oceans Twelve --~-- EuroTrip --~-- Constantine --~-- The Butterfly Effect --~-- AmEriCaN PiE --~-- HaRRy PotteR Movies --~-- Bruce Lee's Movies --~-- Lord of The Rings Movies --~-- The Texas Chainsaw Massacre --~--
Prison Break...Mad Tv...Lost..South Park..The Simpsons...Mtv's PiMp my Ride...Mad Tv's Pimp MY Bride!..ahaahah....NbA...That 70's show...
Uno Magss!!FHM MaGaZiNeS!! Da Vinci Code =:Þ
Bruce Lee....Hahaha