Music is a big part of my life. I Love to find new things that really sound different. I listen to greek music, african, spanish rock and anything else that sounds good. I am a painter and I love to learn more about the painters and artists that I liked. I love to sit and wonder about artists like henery darger, beautiful and strange
You name it and I already have it or love it. Except for that pop crap ... eww ... Music is the blood of in my body and the beat of my heart.
I love them all from Breakfast at Tiffany's to bravevheart. I will watch anything good, silly or smart.
Well I love CSI, and law in order. anything that like cold case files, or AMerican justic are great. I also love Adult swim, famliy guy, oblongs. they are all great. I love to watch history programs, anything about egypt or other history things that make me crazy.
I love them all, no romance crap. my fav is called a moveable feast by hemgingway, a perfect book in everyway. history and mistory are just what I like.
Too many to name, from my grandmother to Anne Rice, strong women doning their own thing, we should all be that way.