The Good , the bad and the ugly - A survey of your life by el_tino
* So basically.. *
Name?: Jennifer
Age?: 18
Sex?: Gyrl
Birth Date?: May 25
Hair Color?: Blonde
Eye Color?: brown
Height?: 5'3
Weight?: none ya
Body Type?: athletic
Piercings?: ears
Tattoos?: yea
What are you wearing right now?: a smile
What is your hairstyle at the moment?: cute
* Favorites *
Soda?: don't drink
Food?: chicken cheese steak
Drinks?: any juice
Alcoholic drink?: none
Time of day?: all day
Season?: spring/summer
Day of the week?: everyday
Song at the moment?: deja vu
Band/artist?: Beyonce
Book?: Coldest Winter Ever
Subject in school?: None
Place in the USA?: Home
Place outside the USA?: None
Color?: Blue
Style of clothes?: roca wear
Store?: joyce leslie
Mall?: none
City?: none
Website?: none
Magazine?: Black HAir
Kind of pet?: none
* Worst *
Place to be?: Work
Class in school?: Math
Time of day?: none
Season?: Winter
Kind of pet?: cat
Drink?: soda
Food?: peas
Mall?: Echelon Mall
Store?: idk
Style of clothes?: idk
Celebrity?: none right now
Color?: black
Book?: idk
Type of music?: idk
Website?: idk
Magazine?: idk
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: stretch
What is your first thought?: my dreams
What do you do first?: pee
What is your usual outfit?: idk
What is your first class of the day?: none
When does school end?: when its ova
Do you see your friends?: yea
What do you do when you get home?: sleep
What time do you go to bed?: anytime
* Do you... *
Brush your teeth daily?: hell yea
Brush your hair daily?: yea
Shower daily?: heeeellllllll yea
Sing?: of course
Dance?: chea
Party?: yea
Get drunk?: nope
Have sex?: none ya
Read books?: yea
Listen to music a lot?: yea
Read magazines?: yea
Go online a lot?: nope
Have a religion?: christian
Have an iPod?: nope
Want an iPod?: sure
Have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: none ya
Play an instrument?: nope
Get sick a lot?: nope
Watch TV?: yea
Like MTV?: yeae
Like VH1?: yea
Like the History Channel?: nope
Have digital cable?: yea
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: idk
Listen to the radio?: yea
Still use your CD player?: yea
Stalk people?: hell nah
Have more than 200 buddies in your buddy list?: not yet
Have dial-up internet?: no
Have AOL?: no
Know HTML?: no
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: no
Do well in honors classes?: yea
* Music *
Do you listen to rap?: yea
R & B?: yea
Blues and/or Jazz?: nope
Classical?: nope
Pop?: sometimes
Country?: nope
Emo/Screamo?: nope
Heavy Metal?: nope
Christian?: sometimes
Techno?: nope
Reggae?: yea
Broadway Musical Songs?: nope
Oldies?: yea
* In a boyfriend/girlfriend *
Hair color?: nothin crazy
Eye color?: don't matter
Tattoos?: sure
Piercings?: depends wear
Favorite Music?: open minded
Style of clothing?: hip hop
Body type?: bangin
Personality or looks?: funny/ cute
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: no
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: hell no
Does size matter?: hell yea hell yea
Do they have to be popular?: no
Does the guy ask the girl out or the other way around?: don't mater
Where do you go on the first date?: mall
Kiss on the first date?: maybe
Sex on the first date?: hell no
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: helllll yea
Are you eating something?: no
Are you drinking something?: no
Are you IMing anyone?: no
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: no
Are you talking face-to-face with someone?: no
What are you listening to?: Keyshia Cole n Sean Paul
What are you watching on TV?: videos
What other websites do you have open?: none
* What do you believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: nope
The afterlife?: yea
Aliens?: nope
God?: yea
The devil?: yea
Heaven?: yea
Hell?: yea
Scientology?: nope
Hinduism?: nope
Buddhism?: nope
Christianity?: yea
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