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I’ve lived in West Yorkshire for the last few years and I love it. I’m a Geologist by trade and my work takes me away from home for long periods (seeing as it’s easier to move the geologist than big lumps of rock). I consider myself to be open minded, curious, fair, tolerant, principled, loyal, unconventional and optimistic. Things I like or value include, but are not limited to (obviously) health, fitness, independence and personal freedom. I love being out in the countryside somewhere with open space, fresh air and the sense of being utterly small and insignificant compared to the massive scale of time and space. I really enjoy setting off from home and arriving back again after a few weeks away. I value fairness over most things. I like variety, possibilities, sleeping in a hammock, bonfires, the smell of coal fires and summer rain, skimming stones across calm water, watching the world sliding past the aircraft or train window, good independent record shops, the sun on the back of my neck and the wind in my face, spicy food, my grandma’s lemon meringue pie, 20th century geopolitical history, riding motorbikes, watching bands play live, and my friends. I respect inventors and innovators over most other people. I speak a little bit of Spanish but I should try harder. I’m a devout atheist. I also like things that just work without having to use electrical power and therefore precious finite resources in order to function: Turbines, pulleys, pendulums, clock-work stuff and, what the hell, even traffic roundabouts when I'm feeling charitable. In the interests of a balanced view there are some things I abhor; the obvious ones of course: hate, intolerance, unfairness, exploitation, macho bullshit, and the global inequality we seem unable or unwilling to change. A few petty things I dislike include weak milky tea: It’s foul! I virtually live on strong dark tea though. Poor quality fast food bugs me; you don’t have to spend long in Bradford to appreciate that speed, value and high quality can and do go together in takeaway food. Roadside so-called safety cameras are a con - they detect speed not safety and they don’t work anyway. Other than those things life's just grand.