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About Me

For II Corinthians 5:17 says' " Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature." That is my key verse for this year and I will remember that this new year will bring new vision, new prosperity, and new ministry in my life. I am a strong and wise young man that everyone knows as CARDELLE. Growing up in the city of Baton Rouge, I realize that my life has a purpose. I am a graduate of McKinley Senior High School and a current student of Southern University, majoring in the studies of Psychology. Yet I have the passion of reaching out to people; I founded my own chapters of a junior greek organization: PHI LAMBDA MU and ALPHA KAPPA DELTA. My life has more depths than just this, this year will open opportunities for my gifts to grow. Ever since I was little boy singing in the church choir, I had a passion to sing the Gospel. Now I have been feature in many recordings in the nation and look forward to work on my project: NU PRAIZE. This year I am going to be a new person, innovative and originative, just see me in the stars.Recently I have accepted my calling as minister of spoken word. Words can not express that thanks I give to GOD and he continuous actions that he has done in my life; that's why I can say that I am RADICAL 4 CHRIST!!!BE INSPIRED BY MY PAGE, IF U R EAGER TO BECOME A NU PERSON, BE IN CHRIST. HE HAS THE GUIDANCE U WILL NEED 2 MOVE FORWARD FROM UR DELIMA TO UR DESTINY, BE BLESS!!! PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile[LOVEMYFLASH]
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Quote For Life

Sumone once told me dat: "Never  argue with an idiot b/c they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience...." Can anyone add 2 this...............
Posted by on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:58:00 GMT