Im originally from the city of Orange but spent most of my time growing up in San Diego, California. Got the crazy idea to join the Coast Guard " lovin it", spent two years in Oahu, "shootz braddah". and just moved to VA. to check out the east coast "howdy ya'll". I love to surf any time of the day, thats all I really do? party as much as I can without being called a loser, eat good mexican food and sushi. Go ride if I will ever see snow again, never trade my skateboard in for rollerblades, Love a girl who drinks a beer over a wine-cooler, always ready to bail to Mexico in an hours notice to go huge, and I really like dogs.... not small ones though. They remind me of my sisters hampster named "snowball" I killed on accident when I was little, I still feel bad because I never told her... Im probably going to hell.
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