Jacqueline Caccamo profile picture

Jacqueline Caccamo

Image is the mark of a pattern which is giving us life

About Me

Hello, I am Jacqueline Caccamo. I was born in 1954.
I grew up in a tiny place in the mountains (Pyrénées), so I've always been facinated by images as there were only a very few in my home.
Very soon, I got interessed in the symbology of color and spirituality in art through the discovery of painter W.KANDINSKY.
I went to Art School and graduated at age 18. In 1990, I draw my first mandala and set an utter code which joined the experimentations of the famous psychiatrist Carl G. JUNG.
In 2001, I was invited to show my MANDALAS near Jung's ones during the "Honneur au Tibet" exhibition in Biarritz (FRANCE).
Today, I want to get back to my initial intent as a surrealist painter. I want to describe a Humanity suspended between two worlds, in search of balance.
My next works will go this direction.
"Petit manuel d'initiation" Mandalas des sept Chakras principaux. (Little guide for an introduction to the mandalas of the seven main Chakras)
2003 - la maison du Mandala
--to order this release, please contact "la maison du Mandala" here: mdm-buff -at- online -dot- de
For more info please visit:
// my website
// contact me here ...

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All Mandalas are watercolor pencils on Arches 300 gr paper.
Dimensions: 76 x 56 cm; mandala's diameter is about 40 cm.

"Comunication Art, the Mandala is suggesting an organized mayhem, in the image of mine inside me. It's giving to people's look a moment, freezed, concentrated, between destructions and successives birth... violences, fragile instincts, calls, writtings, aesthetic forms looking for giving a new impetus to the other's look..." ARTEIS - 2005

"Image designer is my calling. Color only exists through our eyes, the world only exists through our eyes and through our eyes is the world revealed.
We are having such a particular look on the world, that we invent thousands of worlds in the image of our interior ones, and to such an extent that they sometimes can't meet because of their heavily contrasted nature."

"We use to separate universe into -visible- and -invisible- . We use to use images to connect ourselves to an illusory world. I want to make you see my relation with an illusion truly experienced.I don't want to demonstrate anything.I want to communicate, in concentrating colors and forms into this circle."
ARTEIS - 2005


"Comunication Art, the Mandala is suggesting an organized mayhem, in the image of mine, inside me. It's giving to people's look a moment, freezed, concentrated, between destructions and successives birth... violences, fragile instincts, calls, writtings, aesthetic forms looking for giving a new impetus to the other's look..."
ARTEIS - 2005
"Image designer is my calling. Color only exists through our eyes, the world only exists through our eyes and through our eyes is the world revealed.
We have such a particular look on the world, that we invent thousands of worlds in the image of our interior ones, and to such an extent that they sometimes can't meet because of their heavily contrasted nature."
"We use to separate universe into -visible- and -invisible- . We use to use images to connect ourselves to an illusory world. I want to make you see my relation with an illusion truly experienced.I don't want to demonstrate anything.I want to communicate, in concentrating colors and forms into this circle."