About Me
UKan make a difference, but will you make the effort?The youth of today are rushing headlong in the wrong direction with more and more violence and gun crime, drug-abuse, arrogant aggressive disrespect for people and countless unwanted pregnancies to mention but a few things.The music industry has, over decades, played a major role in misleading the youth of the day and destroying people’s morals and consequently their lives too, through the acts and lyrics it has promoted, in its mad frenzy to maximize profit at the expense of all else including common decency. It is thus high time, before it gets any worse, that the music industry recognizes this fact and accepts the responsibility for what it has done and takes the necessary steps to correct the wrong it has done, and starts putting things right, by fostering only songs with good positive lyrics and messages performed by good role-models, instead of bad ones. You helped break it, so you should now help to fix it.Therefore we are looking to the industry to clean up its acts and get involved with us in promoting positive role-models and messages to help heal society and clean up the streets, so they are safe to walk again, for the old, young and vulnerable, by promoting a return to the teaching of The Commandments and God’s Law and morals in schools and homes, through music, throughout the U.K. and Commonwealth and thus generate the ripple-effect that will change the rest of the world too.We are looking for sponsorship from concerned citizens and people in all aspects and genres of the music industry who are keen to help us turn the youth around, away from arrogant in-your-face, lewd, crude, swearing and violence-inspiring performances, to humble, polite and moral, peace-inspiring performances, to generate a better, safer and cleaner society, for the benefit of all mankind.That’s why we are approaching you, in the hope that you are willing/eager to help us make a difference, and teach people to love their neighbour and stop the violence.We would like to start the snowball rolling by holding a concert in Hyde Park, to promote this fundamental change in attitude and life-style, to be followed-up by nationwide-tours and a talent academy to teach the youth the right way to think, be and live and perform and to be good role-models for their peers to emulate.Will you help us, please?UKan make a difference, but will you make the effort?