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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

....ME?????..... so many prObl3mz... so much i couLd kip count,nO one to turn toO.....juzt to busy to hang Out! I'm hiden away to k3ep on huRting; 'couz nObody wantz to be seen wit sucH a buRden...sumtyMz it huRtz too mucH dat i want to break dOwn and cRy, 'couz i'm juzt anOther p3rson to set aside..... nO one CARES,nObody ev3n wOnd3r 'bout wHat HAPPENED to me. If onLy they couLd juz put th3mseLves in my pLac3 and 'c.., That i am sOmeon3 wit FEELINGS toO... not juzt...... WHAT, IT, EVEN, WHO!!!.... 'couz i am unique in my Own way.. if onLy you couLd fake the time or day, den you wOuld see... That i am juzt Like "YOU"..... But onLy "ME".........

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

fRiEnDs...ScHoOlMaTeS....sOmeon3 n s3nSe of humOr,matangkad...cute, handsome...but honestly i wanna meet someone masarap kasama laging laugh trip! in short fun 2 be with! a peolpe huz interested...hehehehhh!!!!