Mastee, geboren 1982, ist ein Berliner Turntablist und Beatboxer.
Seit 2000 ist er auf den Bühnen des Landes zu finden.
Zum Kreuzberger-Hiphop kam Mastee durch DJ Bulet, aber mittlerweile ist er down mit verschiedensten Genres und Szenen der Stadt.
2004 nach einigen Jahren als richtiger Turntable-Maniac, widmete er sich intensiver dem Beatboxen, veranstaltete die ersten Workshops und rockte Solo-Shows.
2006 nahm er eher erfolglos an seinem ersten Battle teil. Konnte dann aber schon 2007 bei der Berliner Beatbox Meisterschaft den zweiten Platz für sich beanspruchen. Spätestens ab diesem Punkt arbeitet Mastee eng mit der Berliner-Oldschool-Legende Bee Low zusammen.
Mastee veranstaltet Workshops in Jugendclubs, gibt Soloshows und ist seit März 2008 einer der Hauptlehrer der Beatbox-Academy Berlin.
Ãœber die Jahre hinweg entwickelte Mastee seinen eigenen Stil des Beatboxens und des "Lehrens".
Sein Haupttalent besteht in der Vermittlung dieser Musikart. Egal ob Anfänger, Fortgeschrittene, oder Profis. Mastee hat stets einen wertvollen Ratschlag für jeden der Beatboxt.
Er lehrt nicht nur BB, vielmehr versucht er seine eigene Leidenschaft für diese Musik-Kulturform, seinen Schülern zu vermitteln.
Desweiteren entwickelt er, zusammen mit ChloroPhil (4xSample), ein Lehr-System mit verschiedenen Modulen der verschiedenen Themen des BB, wie Basekicks, Snares, Humming, Scratches usw. welches hilft die Lernerfahrung noch zu intensivieren.
Desweiteren arbeitetet Mastee mit versch. Theater-Produktionen zusammen (e.g. Theaterstrahl Berlin ), und ist seit Mai 2008, Teil der Berliner Hiphop-Crew „HBL“.
Er schreibt auch selber Texte und ist ein Loop-Station-Künstler.
Mastee kann für Beatbox-Shows, Workshops und Spezial-Coaching (Schauspiel-Schulen, Sprech-Schulen etc.) gebucht werden.
Mastee, born in 1982, is a turntablist and beatboxer from Berlin, Germany.
He started doing scratches, juggles and the first real beatboxstyles in 2000.
Mastee was Introduced to the Berlin hiphop, by DJ Bulet, and nowadays he is down with many different scenes.
In 2004, after several years as a real scratch-cat, Mastee started beatboxing more intensively and was doing his first workshops and solo-performances.
In 2006 he had his first Beatbox-Battle and in 2007 he could finish 2nd in the Berlin-Beatbox-Championship. Since then, he works very close with the Berlin beatbox-legend “Bee Lowâ€.
Mastee does workshops in youth-clubs, beatbox-performances on many different occasions and since March 2008, he his a main teacher at the
Beatbox-Academy Berlin
Furthermore, Mastee is working with different theatre-productions (Theaterstrahl Berlin)
, and participates in the Berlin hiphop-crew “HBL†.
He is also a song-writer and loop-station-artist.
Throughout the years Mastee developed his own unique style of beatboxing and especially of teaching. His main talent is to explain Beatbox to people. No matter if beginners, advanced, or professionals, Mastee always has a worthy advice for everyone. He isn't only teaching the basics of BB, he is more communicating his own passion for that music-culture to his students.
Besides that, together with Chlorophil, he invented a special modules-system, with different topics, like basekick, snares, humming, scratching a.s.o. which helps to intensify the learning-experience.
Mastee can be booked for beatbox-shows, workshops and special coachings (acting classes, etc.).
Mastee's Timetable:
2000 - Taking part in DJ Bulet's DJ Workshop
Jun. 2001 - Talents of the 4 Elements - Dj Battle - 3rd place
Nov. 2001 - 936 Fusion (Tizoe Clique) + B.T.A. Turntablism Showcase
2002 - Year of the cutlass...
2003 - Intensive battle-ambitions. Preparations for ITF and DMC
2004 - Chronic Inflammation of tendon sheaths..;( Time's come for beatboxing and rappin'
2005 - Beatbox workshop-teacher "Berlin United"-Project, several Jams
2006 - Beatbox Battle Chemnitz; SAE-Convention Showcase wit Mando and Beelow; Hekmag Commercial
May 2007 - Hubba Bubba-Workshop/ Nickelodeon-Coaching
Jun. 2007 - Splash Leipzig Showcase/ MTV Overdrive Shortskit
Sept. 2007 - Master of Illusion - PreShowcase (Beatbox Battle Allstars)
Sept. 2007 - 100 years of scouting - Beatbox Workshop
Dez. 2007 - 2 Workshops in Halle/Leipzig for students of "speaking-sciences ", lil' Showcase at "Riff-Club" in Halle
Jan. 2008 - Showcase at Halle Riff Club 1990th Party;
31th Jan.; 1st and 2nd Feb - 1st Beatbox Battle Convention in Berlin Showcase with King ExXx at Generator Hostel, livestreamed in the whole wide world. Hosting the Beatbox-Convention Workshop-Day.
Feb. 2008 - Showcase with Beelow; Mando&Chlorophil (4xSample/ Berlin) and Cossiga, Freaky Jezus (Beatburger/ Prag) at Sophiensaele Berlin
Mar. 2008 - Rehearsaling for "Klasse Klasse" (beatbox/music/mask - theatre-piece)
Starting up the "Beatbox Academy" @ "Flying Steps Academy Berlin.
Apr. 2008 - Showcase at Carambar Berlin (JamFM-Party)
May 2008 - Rehearsaling with HBL-Crew Berlin
06.06.2008 - HBL-Set - "Gangway Beatz" - Yaam Berlin,
14.06.2008 - HBL Record Release Party - Festsaal Berlin Kreuzberg
25.06.2008 - Showcase with Chlorophil & Beelow - "Uni 4 Kids" - TU-Berlin
29.06.2008 - HBL-Short-Set - "Straße kickt" - EM-Meile
05.07.2008 - Beatbox Showcase - "Torpedo Royal" - Neue Residenz - Haale/Saale
11.-13.07.2008 - Beatbox Showcases & Judge - "Beatbox Battle Marathon" - Splash Leipzig
22.07.2008 - Interviewed by RBB, "Workshop Lesson" - Beatbox Academy
23.07.2008 - Report and Interview for - "Workshop Lesson" - Beatbox Academy ->Link
27.07.2008 - HBL-Set + Beatbox-Showcase - "End of the Weak" - Cassiopeia Berlin
28.07.2008 - HBL-Short-Set - "KenFM - Fritz Radio" - Insel Berlin
05. - 07.08.2008 - Specialteacher (Beatbox) - "Hip Hop Academy" - Kulturpalast, Hamburg
08.08.2008 - Showcase w. Beelow & Wetlipz - "Butterfly FX" - Spindler&Klatt - Berlin
01. - 03.09.2008 - "Shure"-Showcase w. Beelow & Zeero - "IFA 2008" - Messe Berlin
11. - 13.09.2008 - 4xTheatre-piece - "Klasse, Klasse" - Theater Duisburg
04.10.2008 - Presentation - "Love, Peace & Beatbox"-Documentary - Lichtwerk Bielefeld
12.11.2008 - Interview TVBerlin - Beatbox Academy - Berlin
27.11. - 13.12.2008 - Vodafone Promo Tour - Berlin
28.11.2008 - Beatbox Seminary & Showcase with Eve1 - Street University Berlin - Naunynritze - Berlin
08.12.2008 - Showcase w. Bee Low - Berliner Feuerwehr/ Berlin Firefighters: "Verknallt in Berlin" - UCI KINOWELT Colosseum Berlin
16.01.2009 - 1xTheatre-piece - "Klasse Klasse" - Theater Strahl - Weiße Rose
17.01.2009 - HBL-Beatbox-Set - "Beatbox Nacht" - Theater Strahl - Weiße Rose Berlin
18.01.2009 - HBL-Set - KenFM - "RadioFritz" - RBB-Babelsberg
27.02.2009 - HBL-Set - "Flexiblez - Maulhelden-Release-Party" - Café Zapata - Berlin
17.03.2009 - Interviewed by & workshop for Kika/B3 - "Karen in Action" - Berlin
15.04.2009 - Beatbox-Showcase - "Veducation" - Matrix - Berlin
17.04.2009 - HBL-Set - "Baobab Family" - Cassiopeia - Berlin
30.04.2009 - HBL-Set - Zwischenraum - Rostock
02.05.2009 - HBL-Set - "Funkstelle" - Calabash/Acud - Berlin