Vortex makers and chakra players, Deminsion divers and dragon slayers, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg at a mad party, Einstein on a bad hair day, Jesus and Buddha together on a waterslide at Splashtown, Aphrodite (the goddess not the DJ), Myself in the Future and not know it was myself, Jen in the future and know it was her, Abbie Hoffman raging it with Albert Hoffman, Socrates at a Symposium, Alliens who will laugh with me but not at me, Paul Bunyan without the axe but with his giant blue ox, Homer, Homer Simpson and Lisa when shes 22, My Dad when he was 25, Alex Grey on Alex Grey's, Ravi Shankar and Anoushka too, Lao Tzu, dynamic dancing dinosaurs, A Shaman to take me across the universe and then bring me back safely, Jerry Garcia, Mike Gordon, Both a Hopi Indian and a Mayan, Stonewall Jackson, Harry Carry... Cubs win Cubs win, Glitter bugs that poo glitter, Dr. Deepak Chiopra, and a handful of naughty little gnomes in treehouse homes getting crunk off cider and psychoactive sap, singing tree songs and toasting the moon.